We need 5 star Scarlet witch

Considering other classes mystic is the weakest class in the game there were no recent good addition to mystic class except SS, (Diablo and Ebony maw meme tier)So please release 5 star Scarlet witch .If u are complaining about balance of the game look 6 star Cull obsidian and Ghost damages they are destroying contents. so please. We want 5 star Scarlet witch.
And personally I'd prefer a 5* Wolvie over a 5* SW but that's just me
But I don't have SW so I can't compare the damage/utility
It is true she would have been op 2 years ago but not anymore considering the power creep. As an example blade was king a year ago and now you will hardly hear ppl craving for him (e.g. I crave for cull and namor)
Also sw is a generic champ with buffs and debuffs which makes her less valuable. E.g. I cant use her in ultron variant because spite and the other nodes
Also agree mystic needs a bit of love
The easiest option would be to simply 'dilute' her abilities with less powerful buff/debuff effects like Fatigue, Exhaustion, True Accuracy, Armour Break, Enervation... Or reduce the number of debuffs/buffs per critical hit. That way she'd be less frequently evoking effects like Stun, Regeneration, etc.
Btw, I'm pretty sure that 5* War Machine came out in a special crystal. Only once, though.
Maybe Kabaam can allow those champs in act 6, who are not available as 5/6 stars, like Scarlet Witch, Wolverine,...so they don't have to sit on the bench in story quests.