We need 5 star Scarlet witch

binrakbinrak Member Posts: 193
Considering other classes mystic is the weakest class in the game there were no recent good addition to mystic class except SS, (Diablo and Ebony maw meme tier)So please release 5 star Scarlet witch .If u are complaining about balance of the game look 6 star Cull obsidian and Ghost damages they are destroying contents. so please. We want 5 star Scarlet witch.


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  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,323 ★★★★★
    edited July 2019
    No need to choose between SW and Wolverine. They will be the last two (previously unavailable as 5*) to be released the way I see it. My prediction is they will release Wolverine next and save SW for the finale. I'm assuming they will be offered in special crystals or maybe arenas as well. Should be a good opportunity for the company to earn revenue and give the community something to be excited about. Not sure about the timeline or why they are waiting. That's my thinking anyway for what it's worth. But yeah, I need a Wolverine to use one of my 3 2015 mutant gems on:)
  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    I'd be happy with a 5* Wolverine and or SW. I really don't think they would upset the balance of the game considering where we are at. I'd prefer SW though.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,155 ★★★★★
    They still gotta add 5* gamora joe fixit war machine and abomination before switch and wolvie
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  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    5* SW will be the best champ in the game
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    They still gotta add 5* gamora joe fixit war machine and abomination before switch and wolvie

    Abomination is already available as a 5*
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,155 ★★★★★

    5* SW will be the best champ in the game

    Have you seen what cull obsidian is doing atm? 9 hit kos in RoL. Not even switch could do that lol
  • HedronHedron Member Posts: 359
    5 star Scarlet Witch will be a blessing for mystic class
  • RenegädeツRenegädeツ Member Posts: 98
    Unfortunately, the MCOC team confirmed they do not want to release Scarlett Witch and Wolverine as 5 stars. This is because apparently 'They would be too powerful' and would not fit in with the current champions. For example, Wolverine's regeneration would be too powerful, and Scarlett's random debuffs would be too powerful which literally makes no sense. Thats what the MCOC Team said, not me :(
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    They should just release good mystic champs imo
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  • dmill3dmill3 Member Posts: 16
    I completely agree with this and here’s why. Yes, Scarlet is very powerful and her Veil of Fortune would be insanely good as a 5*. But considering all the champs that have been released in the last couple years that have crazy damage or insane utility, why can’t we have Scarlet as a 5*? She’s one of my favorite champs to play with and considering Kabam put 5* restrictions on Act 6, she sits on the bench, when she would be useful for this Act, imo.
  • PrathapPrathap Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    Was able to get somewhere around sp2 30K damage with 4* SW r5 max sig... I didn't notice that much damage output with any other 4*... And don't forget the regen, stun, power lock and other stuff..... 5* SW will be way too powerful
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  • Ultra8529Ultra8529 Member Posts: 526 ★★★

    Unfortunately, the MCOC team confirmed they do not want to release Scarlett Witch and Wolverine as 5 stars. This is because apparently 'They would be too powerful' and would not fit in with the current champions. For example, Wolverine's regeneration would be too powerful, and Scarlett's random debuffs would be too powerful which literally makes no sense. Thats what the MCOC Team said, not me :(

    But they're happy to release 5/6* versions that we have to fight in quests. Kabam logic.
    Lmao this is awesome.
  • Troy_Elric123Troy_Elric123 Member Posts: 542 ★★★
    What for? She needs very high Sig to be useful. Zero immunities . There are mystics who output extreme amounts of damage and utility. While I vote for all champs to be available as 5stars (not counting absolute trash tiers) this would just be an unnecessary arena and unit milking
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Don't get guys wanting 5* SW. The 12.0 nerf really hurt her compared to what she was. She has zero immunities, damage has been reduced. Even at max sig she can still power drain herself. There isn't a single situation where I would use a 5* SW over Ghost.
  • RagnabroRagnabro Member Posts: 43
    Prathap said:

    Was able to get somewhere around sp2 30K damage with 4* SW r5 max sig... I didn't notice that much damage output with any other 4*... And don't forget the regen, stun, power lock and other stuff..... 5* SW will be way too powerful

    I have ghost and namor as 5/50 and they can do more than 30k with sp2.
    But I don't have SW so I can't compare the damage/utility
  • GenylGenyl Member Posts: 59
    Totally agree. Sw is one of my favourite heroes.

    It is true she would have been op 2 years ago but not anymore considering the power creep. As an example blade was king a year ago and now you will hardly hear ppl craving for him (e.g. I crave for cull and namor)

    Also sw is a generic champ with buffs and debuffs which makes her less valuable. E.g. I cant use her in ultron variant because spite and the other nodes

    Also agree mystic needs a bit of love
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★
    Prathap said:

    Was able to get somewhere around sp2 30K damage with 4* SW r5 max sig... I didn't notice that much damage output with any other 4*... And don't forget the regen, stun, power lock and other stuff..... 5* SW will be way too powerful

    All those problems would be eminently solvable.

    The easiest option would be to simply 'dilute' her abilities with less powerful buff/debuff effects like Fatigue, Exhaustion, True Accuracy, Armour Break, Enervation... Or reduce the number of debuffs/buffs per critical hit. That way she'd be less frequently evoking effects like Stun, Regeneration, etc.

    Btw, I'm pretty sure that 5* War Machine came out in a special crystal. Only once, though.
  • PrentexPrentex Member Posts: 414 ★★
    dmill3 said:

    I completely agree with this and here’s why. Yes, Scarlet is very powerful and her Veil of Fortune would be insanely good as a 5*. But considering all the champs that have been released in the last couple years that have crazy damage or insane utility, why can’t we have Scarlet as a 5*? She’s one of my favorite champs to play with and considering Kabam put 5* restrictions on Act 6, she sits on the bench, when she would be useful for this Act, imo.

    I agree, she was one of my favortive champs too earlier, just like wolverine.
    Maybe Kabaam can allow those champs in act 6, who are not available as 5/6 stars, like Scarlet Witch, Wolverine,...so they don't have to sit on the bench in story quests.
  • Deadlygamer98Deadlygamer98 Member Posts: 743 ★★★
  • RU11011RU11011 Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    Why revive this.
  • Mrspider568Mrspider568 Member Posts: 2,007 ★★★

    Unfortunately, the MCOC team confirmed they do not want to release Scarlett Witch and Wolverine as 5 stars. This is because apparently 'They would be too powerful' and would not fit in with the current champions. For example, Wolverine's regeneration would be too powerful, and Scarlett's random debuffs would be too powerful which literally makes no sense. Thats what the MCOC Team said, not me :(

    Thats kabams job nerfing op characters
  • GnotnusGnotnus Member Posts: 89
    I want 6* SW and Quake
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