Which champion is your favourite?

My fellow summoners and moderators plus all those in the forum... I wish to ask you all a question. We all have many champs we enjoy using for our daily gaming. For me it is X23 because of her amazing regeneration, bleeds and decent damage output plus cruelty against bleed immunes. She carried me far from Act 1 to act 5 and even in event quests I always ensure one slot is empty for her because I like using her everywhere which is why she is my favourite champ in the game. What champ is your favourite and enjoy using a lot?
Quake is also becoming a favorite of mine as well because she can bypass so many annoying nodes it's ridiculous. (I just made a post about this haha)
X-23 is awesome btw. Nice pick, OP 😉
Bleed and fast power control
But, I don't have her as a 5*, so my go-to team right now is Cap Marvel (with Fury synergy), Blade, Domino and Rulk. All at 4/55+ except for my 3* fury tag-along.