Looking for a few members and officers

Hey guys. We are a chilled yet active alliance, we take aq and aw seriously. We do aq map 4 + 3/2 (for full explotarion). We are usually silver 1-3 but because of a lack of participation we are now in bronze 1. No donations needed. NO freeloaders. Must be active. Must CONTRIBUTE and PARTICIPATE. We have whatsapp for communication but its not neccesary. If intrested find me in game. If you want to be an officer let me know and we usually give it a week for you to prove yourself before promoting to officer. Officers must be: 100k+ members: 70k+. Any other questions pm me in game
Alliance: Fire strike
In game name: Blazing Echo
Alliance: Fire strike
In game name: Blazing Echo
K= 1000
100k= 100000 rating
200k=200000 rating
70k= 70000 rating
Pm me for any other questions