Percent chances when facing the AI, and AI moving faster than you

I have played this game for a long time. After doing some of my own studies, and speaking with several members of my alliance, I have to come to a conclusion that many players have likely reached: percent chances mean basically nothing when facing the AI, and the AI is programmed to move faster than possible for the human player. Keep in mind that all of the following data was collected over a period of several fights. These are not isolated incidents. Here are a few observations:
-Champions with evade tend to evade hits at roughly 2 or 3 times their percent chance when you fight them.
-Agent Venom's tenacity is supposed to be 50%, yet he shruggs off essentially every debuff you inflict.
-Enemies can recover from missing heavy attacks much faster than you can. This allows them to block, dodge, or hit you with a special when you attempt to counter-attack. This is especially true of characters with 2-part heavy attacks.
-Enemies can attack you while you are dashing back, but before you can block or evade for a second time.
This is a simple fix: make percent chances count for what they are. Don't allow the AI to move faster than the human player. I can only guess that the AI moving too fast is a large reason for the insane amount of lagg people have been experiencing these past few months.
This game has many dedicated players that have spent countless hours, and large sums of money, and for the most part is has been fun. It isn't too much to expect to be treated fairly in return.
-Champions with evade tend to evade hits at roughly 2 or 3 times their percent chance when you fight them.
-Agent Venom's tenacity is supposed to be 50%, yet he shruggs off essentially every debuff you inflict.
-Enemies can recover from missing heavy attacks much faster than you can. This allows them to block, dodge, or hit you with a special when you attempt to counter-attack. This is especially true of characters with 2-part heavy attacks.
-Enemies can attack you while you are dashing back, but before you can block or evade for a second time.
This is a simple fix: make percent chances count for what they are. Don't allow the AI to move faster than the human player. I can only guess that the AI moving too fast is a large reason for the insane amount of lagg people have been experiencing these past few months.
This game has many dedicated players that have spent countless hours, and large sums of money, and for the most part is has been fun. It isn't too much to expect to be treated fairly in return.
While your other observations are purely your own perception, this one is factually incorrect. His tenacity is 70%, which is why he seems to shrug off most dubuffs.
I've also noticed that the game works great on an iPhone 6, but when the AI goes into a crazy fast mode, it pretty much just locks up my hero and he can't respond at all. It's really bad. Not sure why they can't fix this.
They did a real bad job bottom line....the game team...
Everyone has faced an l3 only for the animation to end and suddenly be under attack without having a chance to block or react.
While your other observations are purely your own perception, this one is factually incorrect. His tenacity is 70%, which is why he seems to shrug off most dubuffs.[/quote]
These observations aren't my own perceptions; that would imply that someone who sees the same thing could infer something different. When Stark-enhanced spidey evades a hit after almost every combo, despite his stated 3% evade chance, and this happens over the course of several fights, there is obviously something wrong. When Ultron and Black Widow evade one out of every 10 hits in almost every fight, there is obviously something wrong. I fight with Ultron all the time and I'm lucky to evade a single hit the entire fight.
You are correct that I was mistaken about Agent Venom, but it does not change the fact that he ignores virtually every debuff. In several instances, even when fighting with X-force deadpool, I have fights where I hit him 60-70 times where not a single bleed or parry actually sticks. Does that seem like a 70% rate to you?
I did minimal research which clearly contradicts your asssertion about starky evading every combo. Which btw where are you fighting starky so often? Anyways there is clearly something wrong, with your assertions.