Do No Wrong

What is your one champ that when you play you always feel as if you can never do anything wrong. Personally my Ghost Rider seems to be my champ. Whenever I’m questing and my Blade, Starky, Domino, or Red Hulk dies I always have a great run with my Ghost Rider where I get something like 300-400 hits while miraculously using intercepts that I can’t seem to do with other champs. Interested to see your guys’ answers.
He was my first four star and I played him all the way up through the first chapter of act 5. I’ve played him so much that when I use him it’s as if we are one being connected and flawless, perfect in every way.
I always hit my intercepts and get so many glancing hit furies and fatigues of lights with him
Can get one of the highest amounts of damage in the game by using neurotoxin. Literally shreds RoL like paper