Omega Red as 5 star but unduped

BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
Just pulled him yesterday :love::love::love:
But i am not so sure what he can do unduped and without suicide masterys, only Thing i can provide is the colossus synergy.
I am gonna take him to r3 for sure, but as i said, dont know if he will be thaat good. Pls just vote, 1 is worst, 10 is best!

Omega Red as 5 star but unduped 74 votes

Spity68FF10ChuckiesolCaptainPollKing_Leo321DanRose 6 votes
RagamugginGunnerShrimkinsRaganatorWorknprogresskikiFurieuxCharlie_Scene 6 votes
Mets17TheDuke899KalantakAshKetchum 4 votes
Bpn88855HENRIQUE_FORTEAhitlawPeterQuillFhfjghhggggjfhfjgRehan010_Dead1FreeToPlay_21Ctfz35ZmanD90BlazeAdvik 11 votes
Ram_SarkarKillerRino19LmaoJuggerNotTivjyotSkillful_starTheSaithVirtuosoNoGutsNoGlory39laxthe 10 votes
TerraHairyslugBahamutBattle_GreninjaKhalid_eftyjkcjmijiMarkg25TheSquish671Tony886SidDDragonPapaFuegoAguaX_Factor_AgentThicco_ModeValBr111ChuckD05CowabungaEdisonLaw 17 votes
WayntosThunderGodAleorWebby72Batman1903EtjamaMiStaLovaFan1241DjkrdjjPure_awesomeness_123BriceMiesterNaveenKUMARAYESBlack_SwanScarletBlackJayMarostrange2005 15 votes
adqqedfyvr 1 vote
SamdroxtaarKDSuperFlash10RevendigoJarvisrei 4 votes


  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
    Pls some comments would be really nice!
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    edited July 2019
    He needs to be duped to be great, I think. But that shouldnt discourage you from taking him to r3. I have ally mates who r4 him unduped with the hopes of duping him one day.
  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
    I got at least a 1/6 Chance to dupe him when i log in for the next 60 days :P
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    edited July 2019
    He's still immune and has regen, right? Some lack in damage, but you may naturally for him or use an ag (act 5 gives generic, we're to get one for random class from calendar pretty soon)
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  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    Getting him is half the battle so that's a great pull.... play with him unduped learn his style so when the RNG gods shine their light upon you and you dupe him .... you'll be ready to pwn the game!
  • EarthEliteEarthElite Member Posts: 879 ★★★

    Ive got a 6 star awakened at a low sign lever (20) and his damage output is just not there for me to use him yet. I honestly think he is only a viable rank up option if you dont have any other decent choices or if you have him duped at a high sig

    What??? You have one of the best champions of the game awakened and as a 6 star.. but you don't use him? He doesn't need high sig to be great... 20 sig is enough for the insane unlockable tentacles AND degeneration. At least put him in war defence...
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Had him unduped r3 for some months..the regen comes in handy and in situations where he can be bled,he is just the MS mini in map5 or the caltrops path in 5.2 or biohazard...i wouldn't r4 him unduped but at r3 he can serve some purpose in situations where he is at his godly level
  • Skillful_starSkillful_star Member Posts: 761 ★★★

    Ive got a 6 star awakened at a low sign lever (20) and his damage output is just not there for me to use him yet. I honestly think he is only a viable rank up option if you dont have any other decent choices or if you have him duped at a high sig

    What??? You have one of the best champions of the game awakened and as a 6 star.. but you don't use him? He doesn't need high sig to be great... 20 sig is enough for the insane unlockable tentacles AND degeneration. At least put him in war defence...
    That my friend is why rng isn't fair,great champions and great dupes of champions are given to people who don't deserve or appreciate them....what I'd do with a duped 6* omega red...
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    I have a R5 sig 130 5* Omega Red, and I like him a lot. Having said that, I have to add I run full suicides and pair him with Sabretooth. He is my main champion and, except robots and Ghulk, he can defeat everyone (easily).

    If your is not duped, you don't run suicides and you don't team him with Sabretooth, I don't think you will find him impressive. He will still be great against for Biohazard, Caltrops and Bleed nodes.
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    @PeterQuill I also am not too fond of Sabretooth, but the speed Omega's spores pop, and also because they fall slower, earned him a spot in my team.

    I wish I had your 6* duped Omega, even at sig 20. Lol.
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