5 star basic or Featured?

Hy guys. I've 12k 5 star shards.. It will my 3rd 5star champ. My first was Old maN Logan and second Omega Red.
Now what should i do? Go for a basic 5 star crystal or wait for 15k shards to open featured 5 star. This feature pool have many GOD tier champ too.. Like human Torch, Fury, blade, AA, etc.
Now what should i do? Go for a basic 5 star crystal or wait for 15k shards to open featured 5 star. This feature pool have many GOD tier champ too.. Like human Torch, Fury, blade, AA, etc.
5 star basic or Featured? 25 votes
Open 5 star Basic
24 votes
Wait for featured 5 star
1 vote