Looking For Zero Donation Alliance

Hi all,
I'm looking for an alliance that doesn't require donations but is still very active and uses line (or another chat service). I would be looking to run map 3x5 and not looking to hold for SA events. I'm extremely active in both AQ and AW as well as solo play. If you have something similar with a spot open, please let me know.

I'm looking for an alliance that doesn't require donations but is still very active and uses line (or another chat service). I would be looking to run map 3x5 and not looking to hold for SA events. I'm extremely active in both AQ and AW as well as solo play. If you have something similar with a spot open, please let me know.

No one does, lol. Map 2 is the best because you can go full beast mode and take down all the mini-bosses and boss while still noded.
He said he wants to do Map 3 five times a week.
It depends. We run Map 3 on non-attack days and Map 2 on attack days.
Not interested, if that's what you consider "being a man" I feel sorry for you. Making sure I have time for my family and RL obligations makes me a man. This is a game.
I'll say this though...all life has to have balance. Family, hobbies (like this game), work...whatever it is you have to make it work for you. Cause in the end happiness is most important.
and most of us have families and our families play in game. so we get it.
Interesting, I came here to open a request with exact same conditions. I want exactly an alliance described by yourself above. I am over 4200 in prestige and have 9 r5 champions and this type of alliance would be ideal for me.
I've tried a few different levels of difficulty with Alliances and I find a map 3 alliance that's active makes me the happiest with still allowing me to progress at a good rate. Good luck in finding a good home!
We are a good core group of 17 players looking to expand our alliance by either having new allies joining us or another alliance that would like to join ours. We are all daily players. All we ask is that you contribute daily. We also win most of our AWs, and would like to improve our overall standing here too.
PM m_heikal in game/line if interested, or just join up!
Here's to growing together!
You can check out the alliance tag [LVL59]
We may be the ticket.
Best Regards