Perhaps Quake should be slightly nerfed?

Hey all,
So I've been thinking about Quake and before I upset people, I want to say that Quake is awesome. She's an amazing character, and I love the unique mechanic of charging a heavy to build aftershock charges. Very cool.
However, I think that some champs should be immune and here's why:
When you charge a heavy with Quake, the ground shakes right? This causes minor damage on your opponent, and aftershock charges to build. But if your opponent is not touching the ground, why do they care if the ground is shaking?
The specials and actually throwing the heavy are different, the ground explodes upwards and makes contact with the opponent, but when no contact is made (charging a heavy against a flying opponent) why is damage being done?
From what I can tell the following champs never touch the ground (unless stunned):
Dr Strange
Dr Voodoo
Ebony Maw
Similarly the following champs fly/hover instead of walk/stand however they tend to touch down in order to throw an attack or block:
Captain Marvel (movie)
Human Torch
Ironman IW
Finally Magneto, he flies instead of walking, and launches some attacks from the air, but he stands instead of hovering.
My suggestion is that the champs listed above be granted immunity to Quake's charge heavy apply aftershock mechanic while they are in the air. To me it makes far more sense, and will provide an effective counter to Quake.
What are your thoughts?
TL;DR an earthquake doesn't worry me if I'm not touching the earth.
So I've been thinking about Quake and before I upset people, I want to say that Quake is awesome. She's an amazing character, and I love the unique mechanic of charging a heavy to build aftershock charges. Very cool.
However, I think that some champs should be immune and here's why:
When you charge a heavy with Quake, the ground shakes right? This causes minor damage on your opponent, and aftershock charges to build. But if your opponent is not touching the ground, why do they care if the ground is shaking?
The specials and actually throwing the heavy are different, the ground explodes upwards and makes contact with the opponent, but when no contact is made (charging a heavy against a flying opponent) why is damage being done?
From what I can tell the following champs never touch the ground (unless stunned):
Dr Strange
Dr Voodoo
Ebony Maw
Similarly the following champs fly/hover instead of walk/stand however they tend to touch down in order to throw an attack or block:
Captain Marvel (movie)
Human Torch
Ironman IW
Finally Magneto, he flies instead of walking, and launches some attacks from the air, but he stands instead of hovering.
My suggestion is that the champs listed above be granted immunity to Quake's charge heavy apply aftershock mechanic while they are in the air. To me it makes far more sense, and will provide an effective counter to Quake.
What are your thoughts?
TL;DR an earthquake doesn't worry me if I'm not touching the earth.
Responding to everyone else, I expected this post to be unpopular. But in my opinion, in order for a game to be balanced, every ability should have an effective counter. I don't think having a high skill cap counts, because the ability itself is not counterable.
1. Dodge specials which are easy to do.
2. Use a true strike champion.
3. Use a AAR champion.
She's not that hard to counter.