Alliance Leadership Problem
I started off in an alliance a while back, but the leader was very inactive. My alliance friend convinced me to start my own alliance, so that's what I did. However, I've had a lot of problems with this alliance. I always find myself having to kick people out and few people join alliance events. I would love to run 3 BG's in AQ and AW but our alliance can barely handle 2. I find myself wanting to leave and join a better alliance, but I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or not. What should I do?
You need 29 other members all on the same page, and even that is tricky.
Some won’t want war; some won’t want map 4/5/6/7, whatever level you are.
Some will want 2bg war; some won’t want big donations.
Start with a goal to just get a solid 10, who are there for the ride, and won’t bail out while you are building.
Once you get 10, everyone is in agreement, it’s easier to get others in, they will know the goals and all that before joining.
I wouldn’t like to run an ally, it’s too time confusing and too much effort.
But good luck to you!