Can I use multiple accounts that has never been shared by anybody

I have 3 accounts, one that is free to play, one that I got hacked, and my main account.
I don’t know if this is breaking the rules so I want to discuss it.
I use all 3 accounts to put champions in aw.
If I’m doing something wrong, then I’ll stop
Just comment me below
I don’t know if this is breaking the rules so I want to discuss it.
I use all 3 accounts to put champions in aw.
If I’m doing something wrong, then I’ll stop
Just comment me below
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Is that a yes that I should stop?
I want to piggyback off your question though to know would it be frowned upon (ban type offense) to carry a newer account I have through dungeons to get like friendship bonuses and all milestones for this smaller account.
Did you just you confess to cheating?
I have a few accounts. Have for a couple of years. It’s not against the tos.
I use them in AW and AQ. Don’t sweat it. Mods have stated many times. As long as it’s yours and not shared.