Suggestions to get some quick Current exploring act 4 chapter 3 All I have left is venom tile and 2 run throughs on the war machine tile through the 14000 juggernaut as of today
Daily expert proving grounds need an update to meet current game status. The routes should be reduced to two, so they can be explored with less than 70 nrg. As for the rewards 30% upgrade seems reasonable. But that’s another request no one will be interested to do something about.
The values in the chests are fixed so you're never going to get a full one. Probably not worth your time but if that's the point of the game that you're at it can be worth it. You get about 3 T4B per month running it everyday. You also get level 3 health pots every run which is nice if you still can't reliably farm them from RoL.
Current exploring act 4 chapter 3
All I have left is venom tile and 2 run throughs on the war machine tile through the 14000 juggernaut as of today
Now looking at 5 stars it's beyond useless