Reflection on the pain areas of the game !

I was pondering on the current state of the game after playing for more than 3 years. I would like to suggest minor changes that can help us play the game better:
1. HELP ALL button to accept all help requests or at least from 4 at a time make it 10. Many arenaholics exist in my alliance and i have to hit help for more than 700+ requests at a time after playing more than 150 arena fights every refresh and it is a major pain.
2. Automatically submit help when the arena round is complete.
3. Please remove map lock from old content like Labyrinth and RTTL, ACT 5 etc. as we all have the maps but still mistakes like one can never be sure to have done Labyrinth 100%. Just feel the pain to not know what you missed when it shows 99%
4. Reduce energy time frame globally to 5 and 4 minutes for paid subscribers.
5. MAJOR--> Please provide us with option of UNDO a portal or path in AQ or AW. If a person accidentally missed a node or jumped onto a wrong path, give us an option to revert back. Don't give us the energy consumed but at least one person should not ruin the day for other 29 people who can't complete map 7 due to a silly mistake.
6. Please allow us flexibility to add individual masteries or remove them. Add it in the subscription if you like but we need it for sure.
Some other changes:
1. Please refresh arenas with an introduction to 5 star basic arena because you have shown intent to provide 5 star to people more easily. We can then be ready for all future content even if there are multiple gates and restrictions.
2. Please improve drop rates if possible for all content (crystals, battle chips, etc) even if we need to get your premium subscription for it.
You may ask why this guy is promoting subscription for some of the changes -
"Because this is business and everything that the developers do can't be charity. If we want the game to live long, we need to put some donations guys its 10$/month(may change) but it will bring supreme quality to the game. If they want everyone can be charged 1$ per month and i don't think anyone will be unhappy if they pull out amazing content with some of the optimizations i have mentioned above.
Other ideas are most welcome!
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious
1. HELP ALL button to accept all help requests or at least from 4 at a time make it 10. Many arenaholics exist in my alliance and i have to hit help for more than 700+ requests at a time after playing more than 150 arena fights every refresh and it is a major pain.
2. Automatically submit help when the arena round is complete.
3. Please remove map lock from old content like Labyrinth and RTTL, ACT 5 etc. as we all have the maps but still mistakes like one can never be sure to have done Labyrinth 100%. Just feel the pain to not know what you missed when it shows 99%
4. Reduce energy time frame globally to 5 and 4 minutes for paid subscribers.
5. MAJOR--> Please provide us with option of UNDO a portal or path in AQ or AW. If a person accidentally missed a node or jumped onto a wrong path, give us an option to revert back. Don't give us the energy consumed but at least one person should not ruin the day for other 29 people who can't complete map 7 due to a silly mistake.
6. Please allow us flexibility to add individual masteries or remove them. Add it in the subscription if you like but we need it for sure.
Some other changes:
1. Please refresh arenas with an introduction to 5 star basic arena because you have shown intent to provide 5 star to people more easily. We can then be ready for all future content even if there are multiple gates and restrictions.
2. Please improve drop rates if possible for all content (crystals, battle chips, etc) even if we need to get your premium subscription for it.
You may ask why this guy is promoting subscription for some of the changes -
"Because this is business and everything that the developers do can't be charity. If we want the game to live long, we need to put some donations guys its 10$/month(may change) but it will bring supreme quality to the game. If they want everyone can be charged 1$ per month and i don't think anyone will be unhappy if they pull out amazing content with some of the optimizations i have mentioned above.
Other ideas are most welcome!
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious
2 meh, just push the button
3 just take notes, mark off paths complete like the rest of us adults
4 wait for tiered subscriptions just like the offers, may come true may not
5 nah, you messed up so call for backup
6 never gonna happen for balance, otherwise everyone running suicides would leave out recoil
1 5* basic would be great, not gonna happen til 6* arena and/or you can r3 6*s
2 drop rates will never improve and only get worse, that’s how they make their money. They only posted drop rates because they were forced by Apple. It’s a “loot box” game, odds are always in the houses Favor when gambling
3 1$ a month? Ok buddy lol
Also mistakes happen all the time but for map 7 there are no backups as there are 10 different paths and one bg can have only 10 people right?
Masteries - I asked to put and remove one mastery like i remove suicides(Poison or bleed or recoil ) and then put them back when i want them, not touching despair , assassin, deep wounds etc - I hope you get the point.
These a very minute optimizations and i am sure after 4 + years the game needs them.
Also - they will never set a blanket pay to play for all users, they know some people are F2P and want to keep all people in the game, even if it doesnt always seem like that
You don't have to push help beyond 1000 Loyalty. And the game already stutters with 4 at a time, so IDK if this would work.
2. Automatically submit help when the arena round is complete.
Good idea.
3.. Please remove map lock from old content like Labyrinth and RTTL, ACT 5 etc.
I don't see how that's fair. Everyone has had to deal with this. Follow a guide, plenty out there.
4. Reduce energy time frame globally to 5 and 4 minutes for paid subscribers.
Like this idea, but not gonna happen because they want players to buy nrg refills.
5. MAJOR--> Please provide us with option of UNDO a portal or path in AQ or AW. If a person accidentally missed a node or jumped onto a wrong path, give us an option to revert back. Don't give us the energy consumed but at least one person should not ruin the day for other 29 people who can't complete map 7 due to a silly mistake.
People shouldn't be making those mistakes. Officers should teach noobs this sort of stuff. It would also open up the possibility of 1 player doing all the hard fights (do 1 path, go back, do another path etc). As long as others travel for them, it won't cost them nrg.
6. Please allow us flexibility to add individual masteries or remove them. Add it in the subscription if you like but we need it for sure.
Individual masteries? What do you mean here?
Some other changes:
1. Please refresh arenas with an introduction to 5 star basic arena.
2. Please improve drop rates if possible for all content (crystals, battle chips, etc) even if we need to get your premium subscription for it.
LOL as much as I want this...
1 request compared to at least 100 you do every day, multiply that by every summoner, you get server improvement right there (except if the query to get all the Help request is too greedy, but here we talk about code/database improvement).
If you add to that the "automatically send help request for champs in arena after a fight" you eliminate 2 out of 3 server requests, it's 66% improvement.
Adding and removing only a part of the tree without the entire attach/defense/ prof. tab is what i am suggesting. I have to remove suicides, put defense in aw and again put on suicides costing me 150+ units. If i could select to remove bleeds, poison and then recoil(Same order as we put them in) and then again add them, it will be more efficient way.
Also if they can add new masteries. It's been ages!
Also they can remove the map locks for the ones who have completed the map!
The mastery switch would be great, this is probably my #1 gripe. It is way too annoying to switch back and forth so if you can remove one point at a time it would be huge change for kabam.
My second gripe is t1 alpha availability, It really hinders me from ranking up champs, a daily quest would be great.
The logic is simple - you request something from server so you must trigger a command from user interface to server using your "PROBLEMS CONNECTING TO INTERNET" issue that we all face on a daily basis as our internet is super ****
Then the server responds to the command through a pre-defined function that returns a resultant.
Also please don't trust a this stuff out. It's basic and easy!
Have a great day everyone!