Special Buttons to close to eachother [Merged Threads]



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  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    So I take it there will be no compensation for this known intentional change that wasn't relayed to the players in advance prior to them losing countless units in the game?

    Not cool at all.
  • ManChildManChild Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    Lmao compensation for a button moving like a 1/2 inch. When I switched to my iPhone XR, the whole screen shifted. Do I get compensation? The game didn’t screw up. Mechanics of the ai weren’t juiced. They tried to fix something, it didn’t work, they said they are putting it back. Compensation is for when you slam your face against a broken fight over and over then they realize they over did it. Chill.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    ManChild said:

    Lmao compensation for a button moving like a 1/2 inch. When I switched to my iPhone XR, the whole screen shifted. Do I get compensation? The game didn’t screw up. Mechanics of the ai weren’t juiced. They tried to fix something, it didn’t work, they said they are putting it back. Compensation is for when you slam your face against a broken fight over and over then they realize they over did it. Chill.

    So you compare them making a change that affects everyone with... you making a choice to change your phone? Talk about comparing a tomato to a walrus.

    They made a fundamental change to the game. Where the buttons are located determines when certain mechanics are deployed. If they were planning to make this change they could have notified us BEFORE making it, instead of after many of us had to blow units and figure out what was going on by researching it online. If you CHOOSE to change phones you are making a decision and if you have to adjust your muscle memory as such that's on you. When they force a change upon us without telling us beforehand that's shady.
  • G2DKG2DK Member Posts: 243
    Ok so just updated. So instead of putting the buttons how they used to be.. you made them much smaller too? First pic is before the update, second pic is after the update.

  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi @Gkohler

    Could you please share your device information?
  • OB1KNBEOB1KNBE Member Posts: 10
    @Kabam Lyra Is it possible to talk to the game team about scaleable Special button UI in settings within reason. Because like @Gkohler My iphone XS max button is now way off to the left. I have big hands it is very uncomfortable to hit the special button now and I'm constantly dying because of not being able to hit it easily. I like that they dropped it lower but it needs to be brought more centered IMO.
  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 634 ★★★

    Hi @Gkohler

    Could you please share your device information?

    I guess it’s iphone X because I have the same problem.
    The specials buttons are much smaller than what it used to be.
    Another problem is that the white line at the bottom that replace the “home” key and use to switch apps is almost always on (white instead of gray). As a result while I’m fighting and swapping back and forth it switch between apps and pause the game.
    I hope you have plans to fix it ASAP because it’s a huge problem during AQ/AW or other hard contest
  • G2DKG2DK Member Posts: 243
    iPhone X 12.3.1
  • G2DKG2DK Member Posts: 243
    And yes I’m having that issue as well.. instead of swiping up twice to switch out of the app, you swipe once. So like Carmel said, sometimes when I swipe during a fight it takes me out of the game. Which is not ideal.
  • Starlord27Starlord27 Member Posts: 50
    Kabam you’re not helping yourselves at all here. Below are two pictures, the first picture is last months special button location on the screen. The second is this months (new update):

    Was this change referred to in the update or not? No idea but I’ve just been beaten due to my thumb not landing on the special button after a combo. I can get over it...but come on...
  • Starlord27Starlord27 Member Posts: 50
    Not only that the button is smaller...
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,447 ★★★★★
    Yes it is in the patch node but not it wil be smaller.
  • Starlord27Starlord27 Member Posts: 50
    Just looked at the change log and it does say they’ve been reverted back to their original position. Maybe so but they’re smaller. As women by the two pictures below. One is from months back and the other is in my post above:

  • DragonUnleashedDragonUnleashed Member Posts: 62
    The update of the previous month (august) before actually changed it to your First pic's position..

    Your second pic is the correct position again (as it was 2 months ago)...

    The fixed it with "Septembers" update... At least the Android version
  • DragonUnleashedDragonUnleashed Member Posts: 62
    Mmmhh, this update actually fixed the problem on my android phone ( OnePlus 6)

    The august update screwed everything up and moved the buttons to the right

    What happened was everytime i tried to tap for special, i was pressing just next to the button, making my champ do nothing...

    Well a 0.0001 sec block attempt...

    Also when swiping ( dexing back) the august update made me hit the special button at that point

    So i wanted to evade a special, I hit special button and my opponent does nothing but getting smacked.. or sometime when trying to do a block, doing a special

    So when i wanted to do a special it didn't (missed button)

    And when i wanted to dex, or block special button was hit..

    So latest update finally brought things back to normal, for me at least
  • Starlord27Starlord27 Member Posts: 50
    I agree with your statement that the position was fixed. However the icons are definitely smaller. So the statement now needs to be “fixed to the original location but made smaller”
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    I'm getting an X next week. This new but doesn't make me very excited about it anymore.
  • Ohhchewy90Ohhchewy90 Member Posts: 201
    Now with the new update the special buttons are moved once again and I keep dying because of this....Kabam give us the option to move the special buttons
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    I'm doing a lot of getting dead over here bc of specials not happening when i think I've hit the button. 2 deaths in aq.

    I'm not trying to argue against the masses here... But last month's specials button was perfect for me on iPhone xr. I realize plenty of ppl hated it tho. We all hate getting deadified when we shouldn't, we all hate using items we shouldn't be using. Can't we just have a way to place and resize it as we want? Seems the only option to make everyone happy. Anyway... Gotta go waste some glory real quick...on day friggin 1.
  • G2DKG2DK Member Posts: 243
    This swiping up once to exit the game on the iPhone is really affecting fights. Almost every fight I’m exiting the game on accident.
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    In regards to the Special Buttons appearing smaller than before we still need device information! If you've provided it, thank you! If not please give us the device model and OS version.

    We're working on getting clarification for this.
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  • G2DKG2DK Member Posts: 243
    Gkohler said:

    This swiping up once to exit the game on the iPhone is really affecting fights. Almost every fight I’m exiting the game on accident.

    Look Into This too please.
  • Cam77778888Cam77778888 Member Posts: 113
    It hurts my left wrist to use specials now. After 4 yrs of playing I think its time to take a break and avoid carpal tunnel
  • Cam77778888Cam77778888 Member Posts: 113
    Kabam you want feedback? Terrible idea to change special button for people who who use thumbs to play the game
  • OB1KNBEOB1KNBE Member Posts: 10
    @Kabam Vydious scalable ui control.. there is no reason going from iPhone 8+ where the special button is to the right of the player portrait to iPhone XS Max where the button is to the left of player portrait. I have and use both devices. I understand the screens are different sizes but the overall format of the UI should be consistent though. And the screen minimizing on iPhone XS Max is an issue this month and wasn’t last month.
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