So, my first fight in war today and my opponent was indestructible. The whole match. Wiped out my whole team without inflicting a scratch. How does that happen and what are you supposed to do in that situation?
@shrmntnk62 Always read the node abilities before going into a battle. Sounds like this was a costly lesson. As previously stated, you ran into Aegis Heavy. There was also Aegis Intercept in the 1st iteration of this map but it was removed. Aegis Heavy in T5-T4 (Challenger Map) requires you to hit the opponent 4× using Heavy attack. Now, some champs have multiple hit heavy attacks. Like Guillotine. Her's strikes twice. So 2 heavy attacks and then you can start in on them.
Seeing as how it's Kamala Khan, you can easily Parry/Heavy twice and be on your way to a victory once the Indestructible charges have been removed. Although, it looks like she only has 2 Indestructible charges so 1 heavy from Guilly would suffice here. I haven't played on a map lower than Challenger in a long time so perhaps Hard has Aegis Heavy (2). The end point being, always read those node abilities before going into a fight. ESPECIALLY in AW where the stakes are a bit higher. Each loss is 80 points missed. After 3 losses, your attack bonuses are gone.
Use that twice and it goes away
Seeing as how it's Kamala Khan, you can easily Parry/Heavy twice and be on your way to a victory once the Indestructible charges have been removed. Although, it looks like she only has 2 Indestructible charges so 1 heavy from Guilly would suffice here. I haven't played on a map lower than Challenger in a long time so perhaps Hard has Aegis Heavy (2). The end point being, always read those node abilities before going into a fight. ESPECIALLY in AW where the stakes are a bit higher. Each loss is 80 points missed. After 3 losses, your attack bonuses are gone.