If we have 3 battle groups, 2 map 4 and then one map 2, will that hurt the alliance if the lower map loses or no?
It sounds like you're talking about Alliance Quest, not Alliance War. In alliance quest, it is usually better to run three groups than two, because even if one group fails to complete they are still earning points. But you will take the prestige hit if they don't finish. In the general case it is hard to say for certain whether the third group will help or hurt, but to be candid, if I was running an alliance and I had two groups consistently completing map 4 and a third group that wanted to do map 2, I'd just let them do map 2. It isn't worth sidelining a group just to possibly save a tiny amount of points on a possible map 2 failure. If they fail consistently, drop them to map 1. A blind one handed guy playing on a three year old Android tablet can solo map 1.
Just noticed something else regarding AQ (maybe ever since they added the individual group map selection capability)..
In the past (and as stated above) if you do not kill the AQ Boss then that group counts towards reducing your Prestige (or offsetting the increase from other winning groups). Although a Loss on a lower map (map 2 instead of 4) will not lower it as much as if you took a loss on map 4 or 5.
BUT, in the past (before Group/Map selection was added) if your BG3 was just Left empty, it would have 0 effect on Prestige (only the BG's that actually had people join in would have a +/- effect.
*** NOW, if you start 3 Groups, but (for example) are a half-empty Alliance or a relaxed/retired Alliance, and just happen that nobody joins in BG3, that is no longer the case. Even with 0 people in a group (so long as that group was “Started” by Officers when they started the day), it now DOES affect the daily Prestige.
So if you are a relaxed Alliance who doesn’t have a Health reason as for whether you can beat Thanos or not (only potentially a Time and Manpower reason), it may be better to only startup 2 groups each day. This will let your Wins increase the Prestige/Difficulty higher (and thus overall Points) than what would occur if you had been carrying around a totally empty Group each day.
In the past (and as stated above) if you do not kill the AQ Boss then that group counts towards reducing your Prestige (or offsetting the increase from other winning groups). Although a Loss on a lower map (map 2 instead of 4) will not lower it as much as if you took a loss on map 4 or 5.
BUT, in the past (before Group/Map selection was added) if your BG3 was just Left empty, it would have 0 effect on Prestige (only the BG's that actually had people join in would have a +/- effect.
*** NOW, if you start 3 Groups, but (for example) are a half-empty Alliance or a relaxed/retired Alliance, and just happen that nobody joins in BG3, that is no longer the case. Even with 0 people in a group (so long as that group was “Started” by Officers when they started the day), it now DOES affect the daily Prestige.
So if you are a relaxed Alliance who doesn’t have a Health reason as for whether you can beat Thanos or not (only potentially a Time and Manpower reason), it may be better to only startup 2 groups each day. This will let your Wins increase the Prestige/Difficulty higher (and thus overall Points) than what would occur if you had been carrying around a totally empty Group each day.