the help button has been broken for over 2 years

can we fix the help button already? it normally breaks after 3-4 pushes of the "help 4" button. its common in active alliance to have hundreds of help request and even thousands of help requests at a time. it takes 10 minutes to help 500 people thats ridiculous. please fix the broken button and update it to help all or help 20. this button hasnt been updated since it came out years ago. watch someone always advocates against whatever i post. how can you advocate against fixing something that is broken. this literally affects thousands of players even if your not in an active alliance this has affected you at one point if you think of others ever. help us all out and support this idea. it could be added to summoner sigil a special "help all" button. thanks everyone heres the longest the help 4 button has ever worked for

At the end of the day it works eventually. It's better than not working at all.
Yes the help button is broken but so is this thread.