Who to R4

Capn_DanteCapn_Dante Member Posts: 580 ★★★
edited August 2019 in Strategy and Tips
I have Aegon at sig 20 and namor unawakened... Omega Red is currently R4 and I am planning on using him and dumping my sig stones in... Have finished act 5 but need to do exploration and act 6...who would be best? (ghost will go to r4 after I get a couple more tech t4cc)

Who to R4 12 votes

Unawakened Namor
Lvernon15FhfjghhggggjfhfjgX_Factor_AgentHfchangThicco_ModeMauled 6 votes
Sig 20 aegon
JuggerNotEtjamamrcyrcleGiodood_1Beefy_boiDominic518 6 votes


  • HfchangHfchang Member Posts: 186
    Unawakened Namor
    I posted the same question for my roster lol
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Unawakened Namor
    I have an unawakened R4 Namor and he is a beast. I personally don't really like his play style, the SP3 animation is just too long for my liking and it breaks my flow. This doesn't take away from the fact that with 2 furies I pulled off a roughly 150k SP2 on WS without all 3 hits being critical. Used correctly his damage output is off the chain. I don't have Aegon at 5* so I don't have a huge amount of experience using him but from everything I have seen he needs to be high sig to be truly valuable, whereas with Namor it is merely an enhancement.

    That being said you've also got a good option in Emma Frost - excellent immunities if your power management is good and Spidergwen is pretty tasty too.

    IF you can only do one between Namor/Aegon/Ghost I would wait for the T4CC and do Ghost.
  • Capn_DanteCapn_Dante Member Posts: 580 ★★★
    Fortunately I have 13 t2a right now so saving 4 for ghost... Emma will get ranked to at least r3 for AQ and when I need immunities... Maybe r4 someday as well
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