When do you know you are ready for master

My team rating is about 17000, so thought I should now go for master in x machinia event
First chapter was cake walk, but in the second chapter's first quest I had to use 10x 750, health potions to complete due to tht juggernaut before boss.should I still continue don't master difficulty or should I return to heroic level
First chapter was cake walk, but in the second chapter's first quest I had to use 10x 750, health potions to complete due to tht juggernaut before boss.should I still continue don't master difficulty or should I return to heroic level
As for OP's question - try for a single run through Master, only worry about exploration if you can manage it without using revives/heals. Also you could try just exploring the first chapter because you do get rewards for fully exploring each chapter, and they can add up.