I wouldn't say that necessarily. I'm on 5.3 and I took down Shulk failry easy testing my R4 Sentinel out.
You haven’t cleared Act 5 yet? I’ve seen you on these forums forever. Maybe more playing and less typing...and I mean that in the nicest way possible.
Yeah I'm notorious for taking my time with it. I spend most of my time Grinding. Lol.
Get it done! Don’t be scurred. T5Bs, T2As.... All the goodies. That’s the real grind.
Yeah I sat on UC for way too long. Now I'm on 5.3. One of these days I'll push through. I usually get busy with Grinding and EQ, plus War and AQ. Then you add life to that, and I always put it on the back burner. I'll get it done someday. XD
people are always trying to rush content they are not ready for, then threatened to quit. I've known a few,. some have a year playing and are mad they can't 100% act 5 , others have been playing for 3 years but only 3 hours a week and still level 50. All of it takes time and with all the new changes it's easier and faster than ever to grow your account, but it takes time. Time learn and time to rank up and get better champs.
Again, I never threatened to quit just said frustrations were getting me close to quitting. Joe if I said I’d quit if I didn’t 100% act 5 and all variants by the end of the month I would quit your statement would stand.
There is a difference between being frustrated and thinking about it, and having a discussion on the topic(s) and demanding I miraculously complete it “or else”
If u can save up a bunch of units and free crystals and potions/revives and can power through the first chapter you will most likely be able to do the rest with just a few champs of each star level ranked, they made this variant so ch.1 was really hard and if u got through that u got rewarded with the rest of the quest which is just plain old fun, especially the 2nd chapter, def. The most fun ive had in variant so far, only thing that comes close is a few paths in V2 using The Thing with his synergy squad behind him, just total carnage lol but yeah overall this variant is a real treat, perfect quest to drop for the holidays.
I have acknowledged the fact, I won’t ever even get one quest done in any variant that has been or will ever be released. Either I don’t have the champs or the skill, or enough money/units for potions.
Variant 1 - my mutants/skills suck especially against some of those nodes. Furthest I got Emma down was to about 50ish% of her health and that was with my r1 5*Gambit.
Variant 2 - don’t have any good XL champs so I used my 5*Domino, but can’t get past Mordo, even with my Rulk.
Variant 3 - can’t even get past SH and the 1 time I DID DD took out the rest of my team. Tried the wasp side, and that was even more of a fail.
So I have begrudgingly started to feel like there is nothing for me to do outside of AQ/AW, Heroic/Master/UC EQ’s. Even stuck on 5.2.4 because I can’t even defeat Hype if and when I’ve gotten to him.
I’m close to quitting because I can’t progress without better champs. But I can’t get better champs without progressing. And I know my next 6* at the end of the season will be DPX/HB/Juggernaut/Magneto/Jane Foster so why even bother at this point. The few champs like Cull/Corvus/CAIW/MM-Movie that would transform the game landscape for me I’ll never pull because I’m just not that lucky.
Glad others are able to complete the content, but when Kabam says “this content isn’t for everyone” they really mean it. I don’t even have fun playing anymore simply because it’s the same thing every day. War, AQ, arena and EQ. I know if I go into 5.3 or variant again I’m just gonna scream and pull my hair out. I’ve hit this roadblock with my skill/champs that I just can’t get past. And I’m not sure I ever will.
How do people keep going when they’ve hit a roadblock they can’t ever get around?
Also i know this feeling like youll never get that corvus or ghost or whatever but if u just keep opening crystals you will and youll have materials to rank them most likely also from not having many to rank previous, sometimes it can take a damn long time for luck to turn around, the first 30 or so 5 stars i opened were all bottom of the barrel champs except for x23 and xbones they were the stars of my 5 star account for almost a year and then finally i went on a good streak and it changed everything. This was long ago and now it goes back and forth the eternal struggle of the crystals lol but i think with this game its time, over time it will even out, i go after most every shard i can just to give myself more chances, best of luck
I wouldn't say that necessarily. I'm on 5.3 and I took down Shulk failry easy testing my R4 Sentinel out.
You haven’t cleared Act 5 yet? I’ve seen you on these forums forever. Maybe more playing and less typing...and I mean that in the nicest way possible.
Played the game for 5 years. Yet to finish Act 5. Has over 20k forum posts. Feels the need to tell end game players why they're wrong about endgame issues.
Bro you shouldn’t even be considering Variant until you’ve completed Act 5.
Bro, can you explain that to me? I’ve seen people clear various variant quests with 4*’s so if they can do that with 4*’s does story progression really matter? It really is a roster thing right?
Do you think that if you used Tiger Woods' golf clubs you'd win the Masters?
I have a bunch of good beyond god tier and god tier champions but some aren’t awaken so unable to use their full attack potential.. I’m taking my time to do it.. why rush and get frustrated in it, try to practice clearing Act5 and Some of Act6, now either become cavalier or do what someone summoners did, get rewarded as ‘Uncollected’ and immediately finish becoming‘Cavalier’ for cavalier rewards.. a bit sneaky but still don’t question that they did the progression work.
I might have to complete Act5 then look at the cards on my table for my next move.. my suggestion, take your time and enjoy the ride.
I am not a rush-rush player (I'd rather explore each act before starting the next one) but Kabam forced my hand by backstabbing Conquorors with crappy rewards. I've already missed over 7.5k 5* shards and I want to become uncollected before the end of the year.
That said, I don't even dream of doing Variant. That's cavalier content, not for Regular Joe's. No need to panic @Liss_Bliss_ , it is perfectly normal to fail. Be patient, advance in the game. I would focus on TrtLoL or LoL.
With a 5/65 domino using flaming trinity, you can explore act 5, do complete of variant 2/3/4. It’s possible because that is what I did in my second account.
Yeah, I'm in similar boat to OP ... I am Uncollected, and tried several variants ... gotten past 1 or 2 opponents, but cost vs reward just too high (still).
Definitely end player content, so I'd say if you're not Cavalier, then don't really sweat or worry about it yet .. *shrug* Just my take on it .. I'm finally able to clear UC EQ 100% last couple months, so that's a good start ... that's helping bunches ... but I'll need more time/practice before tackling act 6 (still working on wrapping up act 5 post Collector).
I think variant's are pretty good .. I like the variety they're putting into them .. as well as the challenge .. they are not "easy" ... and that's cool. I also like they're not going anywhere .. so they'll be there when I'm ready to tackle them.
You just need to budget yourself, figure out what you can/cannot do .. and don't worry about the "cannot"s ..
If you haven’t 100% act 5 chances are most variant content is above where you are in game. Just have to identify your limits and work on getting past them. I for one have participated in the 6.4 beta. I have 6.3 completed. 6.4 is past me, I either have to get better or don’t bother
Different people different skill levels, in time you will develop the required skills and hopefully pull the needed champions to breeze through the harder content.. don’t be like they were able to do it... my question to the op, are you the same the person with same champ and skill level? If you are not that individual.. do not force yourself or compare yourself to others.. why always envy others... be glad with who you are and with what you have accomplished. Accept that no two people are alike.. even twins have some differences.
Note: this is a game.. treat it as such, sometimes it’s frustrating to lose but at the end of the day, mcoc is for entertainment purposes.. you live life and play mcoc.. it doesn’t define you.
Bro you shouldn’t even be considering Variant until you’ve completed Act 5.
Bro, can you explain that to me? I’ve seen people clear various variant quests with 4*’s so if they can do that with 4*’s does story progression really matter? It really is a roster thing right?
As much as the “get good” statement is overused. That is really what it boils down to. You can beat varient with 4* but you need the skill set to pull it off. Just practice more. Grind arena for units and gold, rework your masteries. Focus on Master and Heroic every month, do dungeons, etc. Eventually you will get the skills and/or the roster to complete. Don’t look at what others have done and think you can do as they might have spent significantly more time in the game to build up their skill through practice and trial and error.
Great advice for people who are struggling. Now I understand why we have that boss Champion at 6.2.6.
The simple solution is “get good”. Trying to clear content beyond your roster then complaining about it whilst having a defeatist attitude, after which threatening to quit ain’t gonna get any sympathy points from me.
Why? The Champion boss is to hard for you to handle despite it already been nerfed heavily?
So does he need to get good, get a better roster or both?
What are you referring to. His variant difficulty? If so what variant? His act 5 difficulty? If so how would you recommend he uses them? A little more information would probably help the op
well the title clearly states Variant, and variant 3 was justr released.
And people are offering advice in other areas the op is stuck in saying use 2 champs with no other advice isn't really helpful.
context matters, GWs post was before all the help, immediately after discussion the roster.
Can I just say. I completed Act 5.3 yesterday and am already in act 5.4.3. Act 5 chap 4 is so much easier than act 5 chap 4. So I advice the OP to practice against Hyperion and to progress thru act 5. Hyperion isn’t that hard, u just have to keep baiting our sp2s. It takes some practice but I didn’t need to spend a single revive on him or the rest of act 5 chap 3, since I waited till my champs were good enough.
People say that u need specific counters but tbh if u r good at playing ur champs, u can use one team for everything. I used the top row for all questing so I’ve ended up being better at playing them. I do have a rank 5 4 star ghost but I’ve never got round to using her, so I’m terrible at playing her. But what I’m saying is that act 5 is doable if u just practice a bit. I’ve tried variant and screwed up so many times, so I realised that I might as well focus on act 5. That’s the way that this game works. If u can’t do it, just wait and try it later. I spent three months just waiting to get better champs after I became uncollected and now I got thru act 5.3 in one day. If u wait and get better, u will definitely get the variants done eventually
Before I give you any suggestions, I'll tell you that variant is a lot harder than act 5 since in variant the attack is around 10k for non boss fights and 20k for boss fights whereas in act 5 the attack and health pools although a lot are still lesser than variant. Now, I've done the initial clear of v3, v2, v4 but still have not touched v1 cause its the hardest one. So my advice to you is don't quit, farm units/ revives don't be afraid to use revives/potions. The chapter that you're stuck in is not that hard. The black panther one is a lot harder and so is the one next to it. Magik will do great against that hyperion. I used my 5/50 corvus to get by. You can watch videos of mcoc noob on act 5 , that helped me out a lot. And most importantly use boosts and if you can max out glass canon. I was also stuck till about 2 weeks ago and then i did v2 and v4. Do act 5 and then explore it, and then try for cavalier. If all of these are done try v4 or v3. You can read my posts if you wanna read about my progression cause i was stuck like you . Best of luck.
This is the same Hyperion you talked about ... And that is my 2/20 Hood ... I am done with completion of V3 and v4 and Act5 intial completion ... i just have a single 4/55 ( 2 but the 2nd one isn't levelled up ) and no 6* ... Just trying to say that it can be done ... Don't try to do it in a single go ... Ex. Fight 5/65 Hyperions with 1/10,2/20s ... Get used to baiting his specials etc .... Best of luck! Edit: I am a free to play player ... And I don't grind arena ... All this was done with like 900 units mostly used for Energy refills Edit 2: Lol just read the previous comments ... Kudos on the completion 😁😁
All the Variants are harder than Act 5, I dare say even Act 6. When you get seriously stuck that means there's a specific content you need to overcome or skill you need to build. My seriously stuck points in the game were:
1. Act 3 final boss Kang which took me around 2-3 months to have at least an R3 4* to use against him, 2. Act 4 final boss Maestro took me around 3-4 months to have at least one R5 4* to use against him, 3. Act 5.2 Collector took me 10 attempts, 1000 units and took almost 1 year from the time I started playing MCOC in August of 2016, 4. Act 5.4 final boss Ultron took me 3 months to practice, 1000 units to finally beat the first time with an R5 4* Thor.
It is crucial to be good with at least 2-3 of your top champs to deal with the content you're struggling with. I wish there was a way you can suddenly just better but this game demands time, effort and in most cases, money to get past a certain threshold.
To complete Variant level content you will need at the very least 5 x R5 5*s if your skill level isn't god tier like the YouTubers. That is why it is strongly recommended that you explore Act 5 content and go for Cavalier status by completing Act 6.2 before even making an attempt at Variant. Sure there are those who completed Variant with 4*s but these are players whose lives revolve around the game. I surmise that anyone who spends more than 8 hours a day on this game will get really good one way or the other.
But for those who have a life outside the game it's a different story altogether. Find a way to get past that Hyperion and complete Act 5. Then go for exploration even if you're doing one chapter each week or weekend. This game isn't meant to be a sprint but rather be treated like a marathon.
End game content like Variant, Act 6, LOL become more manageable when your roster is composed of at least 5 x R5 5*s or 6* equivalent.
I will upload part 2 tonight after work and AQ/AW
So far 5.4 is WAAAAAAAAAY easier than 5.3 LOL
Yet to finish Act 5.
Has over 20k forum posts.
Feels the need to tell end game players why they're wrong about endgame issues.
And I will say I was finally able to clear act 5 working on exploration right now.
I’ve cleared that variant too.
Practice and practice.
I might have to complete Act5 then look at the cards on my table for my next move.. my suggestion, take your time and enjoy the ride.
That said, I don't even dream of doing Variant. That's cavalier content, not for Regular Joe's. No need to panic @Liss_Bliss_ , it is perfectly normal to fail. Be patient, advance in the game. I would focus on TrtLoL or LoL.
Definitely end player content, so I'd say if you're not Cavalier, then don't really sweat or worry about it yet .. *shrug*
Just my take on it ..
I'm finally able to clear UC EQ 100% last couple months, so that's a good start ... that's helping bunches ... but I'll need more time/practice before tackling act 6 (still working on wrapping up act 5 post Collector).
I think variant's are pretty good .. I like the variety they're putting into them .. as well as the challenge .. they are not "easy" ... and that's cool. I also like they're not going anywhere ..
You just need to budget yourself, figure out what you can/cannot do .. and don't worry about the "cannot"s ..
Note: this is a game.. treat it as such, sometimes it’s frustrating to lose but at the end of the day, mcoc is for entertainment purposes.. you live life and play mcoc.. it doesn’t define you.
OP literally has cleared what was frustrating progression.
Isn't anybody reading the thread?
How the hell can I turn off notifications for this thing?
I can’t tell from your post.
I used the top row for all questing so I’ve ended up being better at playing them. I do have a rank 5 4 star ghost but I’ve never got round to using her, so I’m terrible at playing her. But what I’m saying is that act 5 is doable if u just practice a bit. I’ve tried variant and screwed up so many times, so I realised that I might as well focus on act 5. That’s the way that this game works. If u can’t do it, just wait and try it later. I spent three months just waiting to get better champs after I became uncollected and now I got thru act 5.3 in one day. If u wait and get better, u will definitely get the variants done eventually
This is the same Hyperion you talked about ... And that is my 2/20 Hood ... I am done with completion of V3 and v4 and Act5 intial completion ... i just have a single 4/55 ( 2 but the 2nd one isn't levelled up ) and no 6* ... Just trying to say that it can be done ... Don't try to do it in a single go ... Ex. Fight 5/65 Hyperions with 1/10,2/20s ... Get used to baiting his specials etc .... Best of luck!
Edit: I am a free to play player ... And I don't grind arena ... All this was done with like 900 units mostly used for Energy refills
Edit 2: Lol just read the previous comments ... Kudos on the completion 😁😁
1. Act 3 final boss Kang which took me around 2-3 months to have at least an R3 4* to use against him,
2. Act 4 final boss Maestro took me around 3-4 months to have at least one R5 4* to use against him,
3. Act 5.2 Collector took me 10 attempts, 1000 units and took almost 1 year from the time I started playing MCOC in August of 2016,
4. Act 5.4 final boss Ultron took me 3 months to practice, 1000 units to finally beat the first time with an R5 4* Thor.
It is crucial to be good with at least 2-3 of your top champs to deal with the content you're struggling with. I wish there was a way you can suddenly just better but this game demands time, effort and in most cases, money to get past a certain threshold.
To complete Variant level content you will need at the very least 5 x R5 5*s if your skill level isn't god tier like the YouTubers. That is why it is strongly recommended that you explore Act 5 content and go for Cavalier status by completing Act 6.2 before even making an attempt at Variant. Sure there are those who completed Variant with 4*s but these are players whose lives revolve around the game. I surmise that anyone who spends more than 8 hours a day on this game will get really good one way or the other.
But for those who have a life outside the game it's a different story altogether. Find a way to get past that Hyperion and complete Act 5. Then go for exploration even if you're doing one chapter each week or weekend. This game isn't meant to be a sprint but rather be treated like a marathon.
End game content like Variant, Act 6, LOL become more manageable when your roster is composed of at least 5 x R5 5*s or 6* equivalent.