Need Some Tips for Sabretooth

Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 747 ★★★
edited August 2019 in Strategy and Tips
Just pulled this guy out of a Mutent Grandmaster Crystal. Any tips? I haven't really played him much, so I was wondering if he was worth investing in.

Need Some Tips for Sabretooth 23 votes

Yes, he's worth investing in.
Lvernon15ThatGuyYouSaw235Duke_SilverCaptain_2goodBruinsfan8510Grootman1294Maldroit2spaceoctopusRougeknight87FhfjghhggggjfhfjgSupermanafficinadoKillstryke2LordSmasherBatman1903EtjamaAlexAvalonSquishyjrThe_4THMasterChief1176GinjabredMonstaGiodood_1 22 votes
He's mediocre.
LordRaymond3 1 vote
No, he sucks, I feel bad for you.
Who's Sabertooth?


  • MasterChief1176MasterChief1176 Member Posts: 213
    Yes, he's worth investing in.
    He's good if you combine synergies and lucky you:)
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Yes, he's worth investing in.
    He is good, the downside of him is the amount of times you can carry your furies over is random each times so you could start with 3 -6 charges. If you have KM, then ST no longer has to worry about masochism, he also has armor break vs skill champs.
  • Pkarli412Pkarli412 Member Posts: 10
    Yes, he's worth investing in.
    As stated above, he’s really good. But synergies definitely do him some favors. The KM synergy and the OR synergy both help him. But without them he’s still good at clearing content and just fun to play. Once awakened he can make for a solid defender as well
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 747 ★★★

    He is good, the downside of him is the amount of times you can carry your furies over is random each times so you could start with 3 -6 charges. If you have KM, then ST no longer has to worry about masochism, he also has armor break vs skill champs.

    Pkarli412 said:

    As stated above, he’s really good. But synergies definitely do him some favors. The KM synergy and the OR synergy both help him. But without them he’s still good at clearing content and just fun to play. Once awakened he can make for a solid defender as well

    Lol I just finished upgrading my Omega Red and I've had Killmonger for a while, so I guess it works out! Thanks for the advice!
  • SupermanafficinadoSupermanafficinado Member Posts: 158
    Yes, he's worth investing in.
    He is a beast for questing.
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    I've got him and Omega Red , and I'm really trying to use him but his Furies conversion is quite stressful for me to keep converting.

    I find myself looking at the meter more than concentrating on the game and I'm not playing well with him.

    I know many have said he's good here but I just don't know how practical he is.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,441 ★★★★★
    Yes, he's worth investing in.
    Each fury increases his attack by around 25%, these furies can be permenant and pass on during fights, I think the limit is 15 meaning you can have up to a 375% damage increase if you somehow get 15 furies.

    My only problem with him is that he can only pass on furies for 3-5 fights before they reset.
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