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Question answered: Mordo or Slumber. What happens?

ESFESF Posts: 1,945 ★★★★★
I don't know that anyone else is going to find this funny, but I totally found it hilarious.

I always wondered, in Sinister Labs, what happens with Mordo on a Slumber node.

Does the node keep him asleep for the 15 seconds, or does he wake up? If he wakes up, does he immediately have the 1000 percent attack, or does that kick in after 15 seconds?

So, I tried it out. Because sometimes in life, you need the answer to things.

The tally: Mordo overrides the Slumber node and wakes up if you attack him, and that man wakes up angry.

He gets that 1000 percent attack immediately, degens you for a crazy number, and one-shots you so fast your head will spin.

I have to admit, I laughed 😂😂


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    ESFESF Posts: 1,945 ★★★★★
    NanoDroid said:

    That's kinda broken

    LOL I can't remember the last time I got hit that hard, in any game, ever
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    ESFESF Posts: 1,945 ★★★★★
    edited August 2019

    It’s a regular stun debuff works the same as a parry stun with many abilities
    What I wanted to see is brawl Namor sig 200 namor but then they changed him

    I thought so, but I wasn't entirely sure. I just wanted to see, you know?

    Man. Mordo moves FAST when he's angry 😅😅
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,980 ★★★★★
    ESF said:

    The tally: Mordo overrides the Slumber node and wakes up if you attack him, and that man wakes up angry.

    Does it also means that certain champs could snap out of slumber quicker than the timer?
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    ESFESF Posts: 1,945 ★★★★★

    ESF said:

    The tally: Mordo overrides the Slumber node and wakes up if you attack him, and that man wakes up angry.

    Does it also means that certain champs could snap out of slumber quicker than the timer?
    Huh. Now that is an EXCELLENT question.

    Could Agent Venom proc Tenacity? Could an awakened Kingpin Rage his way out?

    Would Rogue cut the Slumber in half?

    Excellent question
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,303 ★★★★★
    ESF said:

    ESF said:

    The tally: Mordo overrides the Slumber node and wakes up if you attack him, and that man wakes up angry.

    Does it also means that certain champs could snap out of slumber quicker than the timer?
    Huh. Now that is an EXCELLENT question.

    Could Agent Venom proc Tenacity? Could an awakened Kingpin Rage his way out?

    Would Rogue cut the Slumber in half?

    Excellent question
    Answer is yes.
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    ESFESF Posts: 1,945 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    ESF said:

    ESF said:

    The tally: Mordo overrides the Slumber node and wakes up if you attack him, and that man wakes up angry.

    Does it also means that certain champs could snap out of slumber quicker than the timer?
    Huh. Now that is an EXCELLENT question.

    Could Agent Venom proc Tenacity? Could an awakened Kingpin Rage his way out?

    Would Rogue cut the Slumber in half?

    Excellent question
    Answer is yes.
    See, don't laugh. But that kind of stuff totally interests me, for how my mind works
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    Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Medusa will also totally auto block out of it
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,303 ★★★★★
    Haha. Don’t worry I wasn’t laughing. Just didn’t have time to type a detailed response but figured the most straightforward answer would help clarify some doubts. 😊
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    ESFESF Posts: 1,945 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Haha. Don’t worry I wasn’t laughing. Just didn’t have time to type a detailed response but figured the most straightforward answer would help clarify some doubts. 😊

    Ha! No worries! I like that you are a straight shooter. I was actually saying "don't laugh at this aspect of my personality that likes testing stuff, because I know it's not the norm"
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    Patchie93Patchie93 Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    Don't forget the nightmare that is Juggs mixed with slumber. Due to him starting unstoppable he is thus stun immune. So unstoppable juggs that will crush you with 1 hit
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,303 ★★★★★
    ESF said:

    xNig said:

    Haha. Don’t worry I wasn’t laughing. Just didn’t have time to type a detailed response but figured the most straightforward answer would help clarify some doubts. 😊

    Ha! No worries! I like that you are a straight shooter. I was actually saying "don't laugh at this aspect of my personality that likes testing stuff, because I know it's not the norm"
    You’ll enjoy Rage with Power Shield too. 😂
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    ESFESF Posts: 1,945 ★★★★★
    Patchie93 said:

    Don't forget the nightmare that is Juggs mixed with slumber. Due to him starting unstoppable he is thus stun immune. So unstoppable juggs that will crush you with 1 hit

    Well, that sounds unpleasant 😅
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    ESFESF Posts: 1,945 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    ESF said:

    xNig said:

    Haha. Don’t worry I wasn’t laughing. Just didn’t have time to type a detailed response but figured the most straightforward answer would help clarify some doubts. 😊

    Ha! No worries! I like that you are a straight shooter. I was actually saying "don't laugh at this aspect of my personality that likes testing stuff, because I know it's not the norm"
    You’ll enjoy Rage with Power Shield too. 😂
    I despise Rage. I really do. Because I am more of a power control/patient player. My Intercepting gets better and better by the week; I would honestly say that I am probably at a B- level, maybe even a B.

    That means, of course, that when I do miss that intercept on Rage, yikes
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    ESFESF Posts: 1,945 ★★★★★
    Tayyab82 said:

    It also happens with KingPin on slumber node. He purifies and kill you in quick time

    I believe it. That sounds about right
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    MauledMauled Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Fisticuffs overrides it too. Incidentally fisticuffs works strangely with bane as well
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    Battle_GreninjaBattle_Greninja Posts: 327 ★★
    Dshu said:

    Best part of the labs is seeing the combination of nodes on different champs. I lost 2 champs on the master difficulty to aspect of nightmares and heal reversal before I read the nodes

    You should try reverse healing with health transfer node
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    djr17djr17 Posts: 662 ★★★
    ESF said:

    Tayyab82 said:

    It also happens with KingPin on slumber node. He purifies and kill you in quick time

    I believe it. That sounds about right
    Not if Domino crit fails the +1000%. B)
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    TheTalentsTheTalents Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Same thing with Juggernaut. He is simply not affected by slumber at all.
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    ZuroZuro Posts: 2,815 ★★★★★

    Same thing with Juggernaut. He is simply not affected by slumber at all.

    I remember when I had to learn that the hard way
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    OrdalcaOrdalca Posts: 543 ★★★
    Zuro said:

    Slumber is any quake players dream lol

    Ghost too. Lasts just long enough to heavy your way to s2. Then just when they wake up, you can fire the special with a massive number of buffs.
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    Bugmat78Bugmat78 Posts: 2,239 ★★★★★
    edited August 2019
    This mordo/juggernaut + slumber combination is an export from Dungeons 5+ - always take that node down unless you have Quake with you!
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    GkeveryGkevery Posts: 35
    Same with emma as well, her dia form prevents the slumber stun... FYI
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    Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Posts: 8,270
    Beware of other Champions that interact with Stun too, like Black Panther (Civil War)!
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    djr17djr17 Posts: 662 ★★★
    Gkevery said:

    Same with emma as well, her dia form prevents the slumber stun... FYI

    Yeah, nearly learned that one the hard way. Though I was using Domino, and got extremely lucky with the crit fail of the fury. Never doing that again.
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