Need those dark secret tips :}

I need a mastery build tips im working on uncollected i just have the collector now to handle. Im not a big unit guy so the only units went to getting despair and i was a little entoxicated one night and unlocked recoil by accident.... as far as champs i have more 4*s than 5*. So please any awesome builds would be great. Thanks in advance. These are my current top champs others like 5* need resources to rank.


  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    There's not any one great build, but in general I'd say max out precision and cruelty. You should have at least 1 point in parry and dex. I max out the stun duration mastery also to help with nodes like limber or if enemies have the limber mastery in war. Besides that I like all of the healing masteries and I keep 1 point in WP.
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    Why 1 point in parry and dex if theyre the top ones if i remember right. @Werewrym
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    Thanks by the way
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★

    Why 1 point in parry and dex if theyre the top ones if i remember right. @Werewrym

    I said at least 1 point, but yes you're right those are the two best masteries in the game. I have them both maxed out but you don't necessarily have to.
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    O ok i ask because i didnt know if i missed a nerf on them or other synergies. But pretty much the way you described the build is how i have mine set up. Any tips on a well rounded defense tree i got points on all except block resist @Werewrym
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★

    O ok i ask because i didnt know if i missed a nerf on them or other synergies. But pretty much the way you described the build is how i have mine set up. Any tips on a well rounded defense tree i got points on all except block resist @Werewrym

    To get the 15 that you need to open WP I have maxed out Block Proficiency, and I have two in Stand Your Ground. I wouldn't put many in SYG just because it's not all that useful unless you get hit a lot. I just have two points in it so I can unlock WP.
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★

    Why 1 point in parry and dex if theyre the top ones if i remember right. @Werewrym

    Maxing Parry is much more useful than maxing Dex. With Parry you get additional block damage reduction on a successful parry with each point. With Dex you only need 1 point to evade; additional points give you a brief crit rate (I think?) increase but doesn't help any more with the actual dodging.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Max parry max stupefy max cruelty and precision and put 1 point into dexterity, that’s the base setup
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