How to get T4 CC

DapandakingDapandaking Member Posts: 30
HOW THE **** DO I GET THEM YOU GET 1000 shards when you complete one path of the daily quest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    By joining an alliance and doing AQ. Instead of raging, you could be searching for answers.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian

    HOW THE **** DO I GET THEM YOU GET 1000 shards when you complete one path of the daily quest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By far and away the best source of T4CC I believe is doing AQ in an alliance. You get map crystals for completing a map, additional map crystals at the end of the AQ week based on your peak milestone score, and glory which is a currency you can spend in the Glory store: there are T4CC fragments in the glory store in the glory crystals.

    You can also get T4CC in the monthly quests: there are fragment crystals in Heroic and Master, and a fully formed T4CC catalyst crystal in Uncollected.

    There are other sources of T4CC, the Cav daily and I think the Uncollected daily has fragments, and there are one-shot ways to get them by completing story or special event content. But in terms of repeatable content, there's the daily events, AQ and (to a lesser extent generally) AW, and the rewards in the monthly quests.
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  • DapandakingDapandaking Member Posts: 30
    Can AQ map 3 produce glory?
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Join a higher ranked alliance. Do AQ and become Cavalier.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian

    Can AQ map 3 produce glory?

    Every AQ your alliance scores points. Those points are cumulative for the week. If you look at your alliance quests panel, you should see your alliance's current running prestige for the week and your current event score. Below that is an option called "top rank rewards." Hit the triangle to the right up open that section, and hit the button called "View Rewards." You should see the peak milestone rewards and the rank rewards for AQ. The peak milestone section shows the rewards you can get at the end of the week based on the total points your alliance scores. The rank rewards shows the extra rewards you gain at the end of the week based on where your alliance ranks compared to all other alliances. Both peak milestone rewards and rank rewards include some glory as part of the reward.

    No matter what map you run, you will get some amount of glory because it is based on points, not map. Of course, higher maps earn more points, and thus indirectly more glory.
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