I did it with this team: 1. 4* X-23 for most fights 2. 3* Void for Wolvie 3. 5* Red Hulk for Scarlet Witch 4. 5* Cap IW for Juggernaut 5. Any damage champ as a back up (4* duped OG Thor in my case)
I play it almost daily to go potion farming. It's also a great place to go test your latest and greatest ranked up champs. RoL WS takes a severe beating daily from many a Summoner. It's also a great spot to go work on new fighting tactics, learning specific fight patterns for more technical champs (i.e. Ghost, Quake), or just sharpen your basic timing for Parry and Dexterity. Well... once you've made it to that point anyway.
All in all, RoL is actually quite easy in general. Better the champ, the quicker you'll go through the fights. However, I would advise for many to bring a specific counter for Wolverine. Otherwise you'll be beating back his regen for a LONG time, lol. Void, duped CAIW with a Tech on board, Guilly, Heal Block champs, or HEAVY ramp up damage champs like duped Ægon (who will be QUITE ramped up by the time you get to him) and Star Lord. There's other ways to take him down too. The rest are pretty straightforward though.
Not to be insulting, but I'm an old timer, started in 2015 a few months after game released .. at the time, ROL was damn near impossible, until BrutalDX decided to clear it.
Then everyone realized it was "possible" .. so we started .. now back then, we didn't have the op/broken champs you all have today, so it was ... "tough" ...
I managed to do it with a 4*, Rank 4 team ... Wolverine being my main grinder ... Dr. Strange as well.
But for the Wolverine fight, I resorted to my 2* Guillotine .. and it took me about 30-40 attempts until I got it "just right" ... (I had stored up over a hundred revives .. so no units spent )
But yeah, nowadays, the rosters available make it much MUCH easier to clear ..
In all honesty, Realm of Legends is a pretty easy (if Tedious) run.
You should consider making runs on it to practice your skills and such .., don't spend, just see how far you can get
Somebody you'll realize (wow, I'm almost done it .. let's push the rest of the way) .. and bam, it's done.
Much easier than Labyrinth, and Road to Labyrinth (the final chapters of course).
If those who finished recently, using their 5* and Void, and such .want a challenge, try it with these rules:
No 5* No 6*
You can only use the following champs:
Abomination Agent Venom Ant Man Beast Black Bolt Black Panther (Either) Black Widow Captain America (OG or WWII only) Civil Warrior Cpt Marvel (OG) Crossbones Cyclops (either) Daredevil (either) Deadpool Dr. Strange (admittedly stronger then ...) Drax Electro Elektra Falcon Gambit Groot Guillotine Hawkeye Hulk (OG) Hulkbuster (I dare you :P ) Iron Man (OG) Iron Fist (either) Iron Patriot Jane Foster Joe Fixit Juggernaut Kamala Khan Karnak Loki Luke Cage Magik Magneto (either) Moon Knight Ms. Marvel Nightcrawler Old Man Logan Punisher Red Hulk Rhino Rocket Raccoon Rogue Ronan Scarlet Witch (admittedly she was stronger then .. ) Spider-gwen Spiderman (OG, Miles or Symbiote only) Star Lord (this is people's go-to pick for RoL back then try it, see how you do ) Storm Superior Iron Man Thor Ultron (either) Unstoppable Colossus Venom Venompool Vision (either) War Machine Winter Soldier Wolverine X-23 Yellowjacket
We had these ones available then, but they've been buffed, so it may not be "fair" to use them now, as they are significantly stronger. But go ahead, 4* only
Colossus (not 100% of how his buff will affect this yet .. ) Gamora She-hulk
I answered no because I haven't. I feel like that's the question you were asking. I've beaten WS with one champ. I have a duped 4 star Void, so Wolverine won't be a problem. I'm just practicing and getting better. I bet I'm pretty darn sure I'll be able to do it once my whole team's at 5/50. (3 more champs to go!)
I beat it waaaay back in the day when Deadpool was the regen GOD, Then was nerfed, then was nerfed again where his sig ability regen is based off power stored but isn't in his description and we never had a reason why it was changed. Then they never released his 5*. I would spend mad amounts of money for his 5* but for some reason Kabam hates making too much money. 90% of this post is supposed to be joking fun don't take it too serious.
It is actually one of my favorite things in the game because it is the game in its simplest form. Just do as much damage as you can as quickly as possible. You can bring different combinations in to try different things. It is as close to a "sandbox" as we have.
Almost anyone that's Uncollected even
1. 4* X-23 for most fights
2. 3* Void for Wolvie
3. 5* Red Hulk for Scarlet Witch
4. 5* Cap IW for Juggernaut
5. Any damage champ as a back up (4* duped OG Thor in my case)
All in all, RoL is actually quite easy in general. Better the champ, the quicker you'll go through the fights. However, I would advise for many to bring a specific counter for Wolverine. Otherwise you'll be beating back his regen for a LONG time, lol. Void, duped CAIW with a Tech on board, Guilly, Heal Block champs, or HEAVY ramp up damage champs like duped Ægon (who will be QUITE ramped up by the time you get to him) and Star Lord. There's other ways to take him down too. The rest are pretty straightforward though.
These days I run through it testing champs and collecting potions with ease.
Then everyone realized it was "possible" .. so we started .. now back then, we didn't have the op/broken champs you all have today, so it was ... "tough" ...
I managed to do it with a 4*, Rank 4 team ... Wolverine being my main grinder ... Dr. Strange as well.
But for the Wolverine fight, I resorted to my 2* Guillotine .. and it took me about 30-40 attempts until I got it "just right" ... (I had stored up over a hundred revives .. so no units spent
But yeah, nowadays, the rosters available make it much MUCH easier to clear ..
In all honesty, Realm of Legends is a pretty easy (if Tedious) run.
You should consider making runs on it to practice your skills and such .., don't spend, just see how far you can get
Somebody you'll realize (wow, I'm almost done it .. let's push the rest of the way) .. and bam, it's done.
Much easier than Labyrinth, and Road to Labyrinth (the final chapters of course).
If those who finished recently, using their 5* and Void, and such .want a challenge, try it with these rules:
No 5*
No 6*
You can only use the following champs:
Agent Venom
Ant Man
Black Bolt
Black Panther (Either)
Black Widow
Captain America (OG or WWII only)
Civil Warrior
Cpt Marvel (OG)
Cyclops (either)
Daredevil (either)
Dr. Strange (admittedly stronger then ...)
Hulk (OG)
Hulkbuster (I dare you :P )
Iron Man (OG)
Iron Fist (either)
Iron Patriot
Jane Foster
Joe Fixit
Kamala Khan
Luke Cage
Magneto (either)
Moon Knight
Ms. Marvel
Old Man Logan
Red Hulk
Rocket Raccoon
Scarlet Witch (admittedly she was stronger then .. )
Spiderman (OG, Miles or Symbiote only)
Star Lord (this is people's go-to pick for RoL back then
Superior Iron Man
Ultron (either)
Unstoppable Colossus
Vision (either)
War Machine
Winter Soldier
We had these ones available then, but they've been buffed, so it may not be "fair"
to use them now, as they are significantly stronger. But go ahead, 4* only
Can be cheap
Fun and potion farming.
You can test your new champs here too.