
I always love a challenge but come on now , some these newer champs coming out make the older ones, look like they are way too underpowered, especially with the creation of 5* and 6* champs. From your Nick Fury,Korgs, IW Ironman,Thing, and Domino are most of the go to selected AW champs. Can we get other older champs rebuff modified to counter this common issue to be foreseen in upcoming AW?
As well shehulk, Spidergwen were redone earlier this year
And venom, carnage, Rhulk and LUke Cage redone last year.
The process of updating champions abilities and game play takes time
Some newer champions are great on defense, but others are horrible on defense. That's just the way it goes. That's not a problem for the game to solve, that's a problem for you to solve.
If you look at what they're doing with some of the older champions you can see that they are slowly bringing them into line with some of the more advanced and for want of a better word 'technical' champions. Some, like Gamora they've sorted out with a very simple tweak or a significant synergy (Antman trinity), whilst others they have added new strings to their bow like She-Hulk's Slow/fury ramp up. I would imagine that it takes just as long to completely rework an old champion as it does to create a new one these days as the new champion doesn't come with a beta, but with their turnaround, I'd say you're looking at 2 weeks/champion, so Kabam need to find 2 weeks/champion worth of free time in their employees' day across a few months to put towards reworks.
With players having access to more powerful and advanced champions in game and generic beat-sticks like Corvus it is of no surprise that Kabam will look at ways to make Corvus less insanely overpowered without actually nerfing him, hence Mister Sinister and Ebony Maw's critical 'immunity'. The knock on effect is that the older and less powerful champions can fall by the wayside, but to give Kabam their due, they are actively rebalancing and reworking champions, and some of my favourite champions are these reworked champions - Venom/Luke Cage for example.
As attackers get stronger on average, they gain more interesting tools you can use against defenders. Things like true strike, novel burst damage effects, and indestructible effects all make it harder for defenders to stay alive against the players, so they evolve to get stronger defensive abilities. There's a certain element of power creep in here. But I think that measure-countermeasure thing isn't what's being complained about here: it is more that because defenders keep gaining novel defensive abilities it is harder to fight them without adapting your playstyle. You could say that Thing is a much stronger defender than average, but in my opinion IMIW isn't: he requires unconventional gameplay tactics to beat him, but he doesn't require anything special in terms of champion abilities to beat him. He doesn't need an ability countermeasure, just practice.
And that's less of a power creep thing in my opinion, and more of a novelty thing: in a game that keeps adding newer things, the players have to keep learning new skills, or the defenders will look like they get ridiculously difficult to kill.
Kabam thinks that the old dinosaur aged champs still needs to be served at our plate. kabam feels oh the shards ur earning via quests/arenas we are giving u free of cost man so why should we give u newer ones? u can get newer ones only if u hand over ur bank act to us. be a whale or we sale u our stales. but time precious time invested while playing is equal to money too. so why should ppl buy with their time currency stupid useless toothless champions who looks like peeing in their pants in fear when challenged by the latest chamos like cull namor?? this is not rng. this is exploitation. deliberately causing scarcity of playable characters to force ppl to loosen their purse. fortunately I was never so addicted to feed kabam so much. Now I play only what is do-able n I swear I won't pay Kabam even a dime even if I dupe Vulture 2000 times!
I never said NF or Mr Sinister's healing abilities were better. Neither can heal back to 100% like Wolverine. In face Blade, Dr. Voodoo and Dealpool's regen is lesser compared to what Wolverine and X-23 can do.
They are going to buff the older champs as they've already done- Luke Cage, Venom, Carnage, Spider Gwen, She Hulk, Colossus, Old Man Logan, Red Hulk plus tweaks to Gamora and Sentry. These more extensive buffs to champs take a lot more time to do which is why they can't just toss abilities on them and call them fixed.
They aren't even the same thing, Nick fury's regen is a one time use cheat death and after it happens he goes down back to 30%. And Mr. Sinisters regen can't works only on hits you take so it's great for defense but you aren't gonna see it too much when you use him on offense.
Meanwhile Wolvie can regen fairly easy if you are aggressive enough.
P.s. I'm not saying Nick Fury and Mr Sinister are weak champions, just that their regen and Vtds, Wolvies etc. regen aren't the same thing.
Unless you're in a pretty high tier of AW, this is a worse situation than you're likely to run into most of the time, even factoring node buffs. By the time you're seeing nodes that make IMIW genuinely dangerous, you have way bigger threats than him to face.
IMIW isn't killing you. Your lack of knowledge of IMIW is killing you.