Corvus r4 to r5 damage difference (no suicide)

Hey Summoners
I have the goods to r5 a cosmic (and every other class) and i’m debating between which
So I ABSOLUTELY love my duped medusa.
But we all know the damage Corvus can make.
I have em both at r4, i don’t run suicides.
I was wondering what kind of damage Corvus r5 does, if it’s a big difference between to r4.
Here’s the other ones i could rank up if anything
Science: Ghulk, CapIW
Skill: Gwenpool, (already have blade r5)
Mutant: OR, Iceman (Domino at r5)
Tech: balls
Mystic: Ghost rider, SS
I have the goods to r5 a cosmic (and every other class) and i’m debating between which
So I ABSOLUTELY love my duped medusa.
But we all know the damage Corvus can make.
I have em both at r4, i don’t run suicides.
I was wondering what kind of damage Corvus r5 does, if it’s a big difference between to r4.
Here’s the other ones i could rank up if anything
Science: Ghulk, CapIW
Skill: Gwenpool, (already have blade r5)
Mutant: OR, Iceman (Domino at r5)
Tech: balls
Mystic: Ghost rider, SS
I’d go Cap IW, far more utility still good damage output. Corvus is still a decent beat stick at R4
Balls it is! 😂😂😂😂