Nick Fury/Quake Synergy Bug

JosephPoerioJosephPoerio Member Posts: 269 ★★
edited August 2019 in Bugs and Known Issues
I just got hit by Hulk Ragnarok’s SP1 in AQ while I had three evade charges on my Corvus Glaive from the Nick Fury/Quake synergy. Am I missing something? Or should I have evaded the attack?

Version: 24.1
Iphone XS Max
iOS 12.4

This is the Hulk I fought when it happened. It was AQ Map 5.


  • JosephPoerioJosephPoerio Member Posts: 269 ★★
    Same thing just happened while fighting a mutant Symbioid! I got hit with his SP2 while I had evade charges on my Corvus Glaive. What’s going on KABAM?!?!

    @Kabam Miike
  • JosephPoerioJosephPoerio Member Posts: 269 ★★
    edited August 2019
    Here it is AGAIN! This time it’s a heavy attack from Domino in AQ map 5. You can clearly see I’m not blocking and I have 3 evade charges. No critical failure either. Please fix this ASAP!

  • JMORG1111JMORG1111 Member Posts: 194 ★★
    This is why I am starting to hate these forums. We have a real problem and it is consistently ignored. When NF/Quake are on the team it should be impossible to get hit. Currently it is not. Please look at this.
  • Ak_555Ak_555 Member Posts: 19
    Yeah, I’ve given up using this synergy exploring variant 3 as it was so unreliable, died multiple times with charges still unused.

    Imagine how quickly this would be fixed if the charges never expired and you couldn’t get hit! As it is I’m sure the ‘team will start looking into it’ and in six months they’ll change the text to reflect a % chance to evade!
  • Aceofspades48Aceofspades48 Member Posts: 9
    I found that if you miss the correct blocking time, or if you block the first hit and not the one immediately after, you get hit.

    i.e. i tried to dex Bishop's sp2 parrying the first hit of the beam and then dashing back, missed the correct timing and got hit from the remaining hits.

    So i suppose it works ONLY if you don't try to block while you want the auto-evade to activate.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    If you check the description of the buff on you infight it now says "chance to evade". It isn't guaranteed anymore
  • Phantom4Phantom4 Member Posts: 33
    It still says 100% chance
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    Phantom4 said:

    It still says 100% chance

    Check the infight buff icon. I'm fairly certain it states "chance to evade"
  • Phantom4Phantom4 Member Posts: 33
    I use this synergy while questing.. I noticed when we dash back, we can get hit even though we have those charges and the next hit will be evaded..

  • JMORG1111JMORG1111 Member Posts: 194 ★★
    Guess we'll have to turn this into the new Sym Supreme thread where I'll check in once a week until acknowledged. Constructively of course.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    For some reason it only works if you aren’t dashing back
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    For some reason it only works if you aren’t dashing back

    I think dexterity replaces one of the evade charges and doesnt use one. It says "unblocked attacks" not "evaded attacks"
  • JosephPoerioJosephPoerio Member Posts: 269 ★★
    edited October 2019
    Terra said:

    Lvernon15 said:

    For some reason it only works if you aren’t dashing back

    I think dexterity replaces one of the evade charges and doesnt use one. It says "unblocked attacks" not "evaded attacks"
    Dexterity- “While dodging backward, your champions are not struck by attacks”

    That is the description of the dexterity mastery. So either way, dashing back or standing still, I should not be struck by an attack....
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