My first time with the collector. (Just a tad bit of wink wink)
Member Posts: 150 ★
Finally decided to go on and take on tge collector i mean i survived all the way to him so why not i said. Damn was it the worst mistake ever. I used 3 different boosts and a expensive special 3 defense boost. I spent units i grinded for in arena for revives. And after every single fight having a lag spike i mean every single fight. (i spent on a team revive) and yet still lag so another team revive and mid fight the loading buffer at the bottom just wouldnt go away. And bam game crashed no way to get back in after trying multiple times. But how and why. Do my boosts know about this. Do they know they need to stop? And out the window goes my hype my burning determination and pretty much good mood. Well hope yall had a laugh i sure did.
@LibertyPrimeV1 to me its always during hard fights example fights that enemies knock you out with a combo and boss fights those are the only annoying parts you can really see the lag i get.
And update yall. I slapped him around a few times hours later. Im uncollected now.