R.I.P. Kevin Doomstadt

The other day we lost someone in our alliance to cancer @Doomstadt (Kevin) we would like everyone to take a moment to appreciate life and say a prayer. Even though we didn’t know him personally he was considered a friend and family within the game. We’re trying to help his real family the only way we can. Below is a go fund me page. If anyone is able and willing to help, we’re sure it would help his family during this hard time. Even though this is just a game we’re trying to show some MCOC love and wish his family the best and let them know he will be missed. RIP @Doomstadt (Kevin)

I’m in game LSully7 (usually of) ROHGE alliance. An alliance I started over 4 years ago when I joined MCOC.
I had the pleasure of knowing Kevin for a number of years despite living the other side of the world in Wales, UK. and never meeting him in real life (something regretfully to say, will now never happen).
We first talked through another game and I got him to join MCOC shortly after I started playing it, where he became officer of ROHGE.
Kev was a family man and it’s so sad to know that he leaves behind a wife and young son.
He sadly passed away yesterday after a hard fought fight with cancer. Throughout his fight he stayed so positive. I’ve never seen such courage.
A GoFundMe page has been set up to help the family. I won’t post the link here as I’m sure it’ll breach so sort of rule but if anyone is interested, reply to this post, DM me or I’m available on LINE also as LS7 / V-Trigger.
I’ll keep checking back here over the next few days and reply if anyone tries to reach out.
KABAM - You’ve seem the request above. Is there a way we can add something for his profile?
Thanks all 🙏🏻
Gofundme link is in original post for his family.
Cancer sucks. MCOC actually helped get me through the hardest time i have ever had back in 2017 when I lost my sister to Cancer. I complain about MCOC a lot but I don't know what I would have done as crazy as it sounds without the escape MCOC gave me that year.
Did he have a favorite character? Would love to change my profile picture in honor of him.
- krayzie / Mark