I've seen his character photo in a couple IG profiles (none as top champ yet, but there's gonna be someone who does that, I'm sure), so people have gotten him.
"THE REEL MEANS NOTHING" ... Well if that was clearly communicated by KABAM & not some tribal knowledge these types of inquires would likely diminish... just my thoughts.
"THE REEL MEANS NOTHING" ... Well if that was clearly communicated by KABAM & not some tribal knowledge these types of inquires would likely diminish... just my thoughts.
They did clearly say it It’s just that people are too stubborn to use the search tool apparently
No that's not acceptable as I alluded to information of this type should be clearly communicated in game & not some tribal knowledge that you search on a forum... just my thoughts.
"THE REEL MEANS NOTHING" ... Well if that was clearly communicated by KABAM & not some tribal knowledge these types of inquires would likely diminish... just my thoughts.
They did clearly say it It’s just that people are too stubborn to use the search tool apparently
No that's not acceptable as I alluded to information of this type should be clearly communicated in game & not some tribal knowledge that you search on a forum... just my thoughts.
@klobberintyme ...Again as stated any official gaming info should be provided in game & not solely communicated on a forum by a forum moderator/administrator ... is that communicated clearly ENOUGH...just my thoughts.
@klobberintyme ...Again as stated any official gaming info should be provided in game & not solely communicated on a forum by a forum moderator/administrator ... is that communicated clearly ENOUGH...just my thoughts.
well give them a couple of years and you'll have your in-game encyclopedia. There's a LOT of info that would need to be 'provided in game' by that logic. Not saying it's an invalid request, but it's probably not as simple as you think it is.
@Mathking13 ... I think I have idea of how much work/effort it takes to provide at minimum a high-level gaming guide link... something similar to that "Terms of Service" link that is legally required... if something of that nature was available may be these types of inquires would decrease & some seemingly "frustrated" summoners would not feel so impinged upon when choosing to peruse these types of inquiries... just my thoughts.
reel means nothing, stop trying to find him. There is already a thread about this.
Any more thoughts, champ?