I thought new arenas were supposed to bring down grind time
So 1.3 million in 3* yondu arena(over twice the last milestone) was not enough to get the 3*. Time to leave the game if a 3* is not attainable at that level.
Not my place to tell anyone when to go for anything, but just FYI there's two things to keep in mind:
1. Some early reporting says 1.36 million got him. I'm not sure what the cutoff is going to be yet because reporting tends to be spotty on the 3* featured, but you might have just missed him if you scored 1.3.
2. The second round has a pretty decent chance of being lower. For most grinders, getting the 3* featured is important, awakening with a second grind is less important because most grinders have a ton of 3* awakening gems just sitting around expiring all the time. If people pushed harder than normal to get Yondu, those that got him might back off in round two.
Putting up 2 million for 3 star Yondu took barely any effort at all ... because with the new arenas you can now use 3 star champs instead of only 2 stars.
guess it's just a matter of perspective ... a "HUGE effort" to me would be the 11.2 million i put up for Mordo basic last weekend.
Remember to use boosts ! Really helps shorten the grind a bit
I already have a decent roster and I just don't have the time or desire to put up the points anymore and I have a lot of patience so I can wait for them.
I won him at 1.6 mil. I work but I don't have a family or anything. Double the last milestone is like.. really? Don't get me wrong there are certain maxed out 3* champs that can be used for harder quests and stuff but they're not ideal. For just a 3* it is a bit much. My friend Battleberger was super excited for Yondu. I told him to go for 1.5 to be safe but I also told him I won Nebula twice with 1.3 mil. He hit 1.3 and and has 2 kids and a job that doesn't give him any time to play like mine does. He was pretty upset that it wasn't enough, and I was too. This is the first arena he's actually worked on since the update. I felt bad for him. I know it's easier to get points now with your 3* champs but its also a little harder now because of that. I don't think there's enough incentive. I don't think players like us are getting enough for how much we put into it.
I feel bad for all those that invested so much time in arena and miss out on getting the champ because of this, and that is also why I tried only once, missed the cut off by a million despite devoting all my free time across 3 days, and vowed never to make that mistake again.
My point exactly and the drop rates on crystals are horrendous. Overpriced 2 star crystals. I buy 5-10+ each featured and it's always a 2 star. Last 4 star featured I pulled was antman if that tells you how long it has been. Last 3 star featured I pulled was moon knight if that tells you how long that has been and I have been playing since the game's official launch date. I'm not saying I want to pull 4 stars of the featured all of the time but, every once in a while would be great considering the number of units I drop. Moreso I would even be happy pulling the 3 star featured as it saves grind time, but that never happens. Meanwhile I watch the same guys pull the featured every time within 1-5 crystals and they try to feed us the line that the drop rates are random. My rear. Read the comments kabam. We're sick of it. I'm done dropping any money whatsoever into this cash grab of a game because I always come out losing. I mean the least you could do considering I drop between 750-1500 units every featured and sometimes more is drop at least the 3* featured. Game is getting boring and monotonous. Quit screwing us over. Revamp the 3 star arena.
1) I Don't think the new arenas were meant to reduce grind time, the notes said something to the effect of accommodating a larger player base. That's likely a construct of desires rather than developer intent. Maybe someone has the update notes?
2) Obtaining a 3* via the old 2* arenas took a nearly identical number of fights as they do in the new system. "Cooler" champions take a bit more though, just as they did under the old arena.