Rank down ticket proposal

I'm aware this topic has been argued many times over on the forums by now, but I want propose a solution that I have not seen discussed yet. Hopefully someone from kabam will see this as an idea to expand on.
I think we can all agree the game has shifted quite a bit since 12.0 and the spark of the initial rank down ticket issue. Champions have been reworked, buffed, toned down, and even nerfed in some people's eyes. With the assessment/adjustment period of these new champs being announced I see this RDT issue coming up quite a bit in the near future.
My proposed solution would be to make rank down tickets available for purchase in the store tab in game. For a unit price of let's say 2000 units, a purchase limit of 1 (one RDT, not one of each rarity), and a refresh timer of 6 months. This meaning that summoners would have the option available to obtain the means of ranking down ONE champion every six months if they so choose. With rank up materials and gold from the rank up cost being returned to the players. Iso and gold associated with leveling a champ would not be returned.
I dont view this as some wild request to get easy materials in game. There are some costs and decision making involved with this suggestion. Champion rebalances are far more common, and needed in some cases, than they ever were around the time of patch 12.0. Also in the year following that patch, kabam gave out rdt's around the holidays incase we made a rank up decision we were no longer happy with that year. That leads me to believe this idea would be fairly easy to implement and well received among the community.
I do want to make it a point to say I am not personally affected by the she-hulk or cull obsidian changes. And though I have made it well into the endgame stage of this game my account was not big enough to really take advantage of the compensation given after 12.0. I just think this would be a good middle ground solution for players and company to agree on for any changes that may be necessary to champions in the future.
I think we can all agree the game has shifted quite a bit since 12.0 and the spark of the initial rank down ticket issue. Champions have been reworked, buffed, toned down, and even nerfed in some people's eyes. With the assessment/adjustment period of these new champs being announced I see this RDT issue coming up quite a bit in the near future.
My proposed solution would be to make rank down tickets available for purchase in the store tab in game. For a unit price of let's say 2000 units, a purchase limit of 1 (one RDT, not one of each rarity), and a refresh timer of 6 months. This meaning that summoners would have the option available to obtain the means of ranking down ONE champion every six months if they so choose. With rank up materials and gold from the rank up cost being returned to the players. Iso and gold associated with leveling a champ would not be returned.
I dont view this as some wild request to get easy materials in game. There are some costs and decision making involved with this suggestion. Champion rebalances are far more common, and needed in some cases, than they ever were around the time of patch 12.0. Also in the year following that patch, kabam gave out rdt's around the holidays incase we made a rank up decision we were no longer happy with that year. That leads me to believe this idea would be fairly easy to implement and well received among the community.
I do want to make it a point to say I am not personally affected by the she-hulk or cull obsidian changes. And though I have made it well into the endgame stage of this game my account was not big enough to really take advantage of the compensation given after 12.0. I just think this would be a good middle ground solution for players and company to agree on for any changes that may be necessary to champions in the future.
The other thing is say they nerf 3 of my top champs and none of yours.
Finally, I don't think locking rdts behind paywall is good for those who really need those materials back
Or have I done too many drugs and that's always been there?
Although, upon further consideration, I guess it could have been coded for the previous more extensive time(s) the RDTs were available and just reactivated for this. I can't remember if it was there or not back then.