War Attack points vs. Defender kills

I think the point distribution between kills and defender based deaths should be re-evaluated. Especially when defender diversity can affect War. It’s not like Punisher is useful in War. Only a handful of champ are actually worth ranking up to be used in War. And to lose a War based on diversity, when you’re ahead in every other category doesn’t make it fun for gamers. This is a suggestion that I think y’all should closely consider. Especially for season 13 because I know it’s over with for 12.
Defender kills were removed for a reason. They offset the scores too much. As it currently stands, there's a max point output. Diversity reduces grid spamming, and boring wars. Fighting 5× Dominoes, Korgs, Things, and the like can get tiresome. Not to mention, diversity makes it harder to bring direct counters for everything. We've tried the Spam technique and we get more kills with full diversity. I think at your tier, things might be different, but tier 5+, things change.
I sincerely doubt they'll remove diversity as many utilize it. After all this time, it would cause a LOT of outcry (like it did the 1st time they tried to remove it, and that was AWHILE ago). Best to work with what's there as overall, it works. If you choose not to utilize it, that's your business, but I doubt you speak for the majority.
This is one of the reasons that they implemented defence tactics IMO, because there are alliances at every tier that just face roll the whole Map. In my most recent alliance we were averaging about 5-10 deaths max per war without the defence tactics, but now we get more because of them.
I think we all have 1-2 wars per season max where it hasn’t been 100% clears and those are the ones you would get more than 3 kills for a defender, but in those cases it’s normally the final boss they fail to take down and surrender 20k points anyway so it becomes a moot point.
Shitting me. If that was the case, you’d see it.