Will Claire Voyant be nerfed

I want to take her to rank 2. But I’m worried about these new 3 month “rebalancing” aka nerfs. I’m really enjoying the champ. Her damage isn’t huge. How does the community feel about Claire?
Her regen is pretty much trash compared to blade and GR’s and they’re safe from adjustment. She’s not going to be changed.
Believing her regen you saw from content creators is typical is like believing proxima is gonna do a 400k sp2 every time.
If its a 6*, hold off at r1 until 3 months from now
Do you have another option? An older champ?
19th century business.
Not just they are incompetent they also are lacking of ethics.
Adjustments, or rebalances, are fine tuning after Champs have been released and have performed in the Meta long enough to revisit the data and see how they're performing. It's upkeep.
You can feel free to attach an ulterior motive to that, but it's not at all what's behind the revisions.