Who to use science awakening gem on?

AJXRXAJXRX Member Posts: 80
I have both these champs as 5*s. Void is R3 and Cap IW is R4.
I have both champs maxed as 4*s so I'm leaning more towards Captain America since void's powerful ability relies just on the debuff application (Only problem is Act 6 gates).

I'm looking for the best option overall and for 6.2 completion/exploration.

Would love any additional advice, thanks in advance global :)

Who to use science awakening gem on? 28 votes

Captain America Infinity War
GroundedWisdomPantherusNZmoonmebabyMets17Lvernon15Osfan8Elad17BlackJ4zzFhfjghhggggjfhfjgDead1EinfachSoFreeToPlay_21MawrCalleachNimorharshraj2000 15 votes
DOKTOROKTOPUSHammerbro_64RoOOtsSaransh245DRTOMuscleheadzZombieZeddG2DKEtjamaAJXRXAaronc94Too_qikGOTG 13 votes


  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Both benefit from high sig levels so pump all your sig stones into him. I say void cause he doesnt' rely on other champs for his sig ability while cap iw does so you wouldn't have to build a team around him and I think he'd be more useful in 6.2 overall
  • MawrCalleachMawrCalleach Member Posts: 260
    Captain America Infinity War
    I say CAIF because you already have him at r4. If you can take void to r4 easily,then void
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    I have my r4 Void at sig 144 and no regrets. Granted, my 5* CAIW isn’t duped so I don’t have experience with him in that sense, but I know he is still very relevant unduped.

    Btw how many sigs you got?
  • AJXRXAJXRX Member Posts: 80

    I have my r4 Void at sig 144 and no regrets. Granted, my 5* CAIW isn’t duped so I don’t have experience with him in that sense, but I know he is still very relevant unduped.

    Btw how many sigs you got?

    I have quite a lot of generics. About 40 science
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