Kabam put me in an awkward spot

I just got namor 5* and got him up to sig 159.
Usually this is where I would start looking out for deals with sig stones in order to actually make my Namor happen...
But Kabam's latest nerfing program puts uncomfortably much uncertainty into it.
Anyone else feels this way?
Usually this is where I would start looking out for deals with sig stones in order to actually make my Namor happen...
But Kabam's latest nerfing program puts uncomfortably much uncertainty into it.
Anyone else feels this way?
@Cayko yes Namor Absolutely you should continue sinking sig stones to get him up to 200. They may nerf his overall damage output but they aren't gonna change his sig ability of being able to reduce all damage he takes by 100% while attacking. So he'll continue to be a suicide king, even healing for more than he loses w. Willpower stacked and a very aggressive play style. Additionally he's able to counter Thorns (Korg) and damage over time opponents like Maj*ck and Dormamu and nodes that would inflict such. IMO better to have the 5* Namor at sig 200 than a 6* version of him that's not maxed out. Congrats on having such a baller champ bro! Even with then incoming nerf he's still gonna be worthy of every sig stone you can put in him.
@Demonzfyre get w. the program mate - troll statements are just .. pitiful.. . don't be pitiful. But if you've actually been disconnected from what's been taking place in the contest (She-Hulk nerf and subsequent rank down tickets, incoming Cull Obsidian nerf, soon to happen Namor nerf etc etc..) here's an image and a video for you. Click on KT1's YouTube image for the video to play.
News to me.
been using the handle LordShadowin as an in game name since an rpg I played since back on a Palm Pilot. It's derived in meaning from a motto of a unit I was w. in the Marines Corps ~ probably older than you junior 😉
Education these days and the ability to extract and correlate inferred meaning between action and definition seems to be outstandingly devoid from the minds of the general populous 😬
Some people pay hundreds ~ even into the thousands to acquire these new champs, only to have their character reworked (i.e. "nerfed") after they purchased a toon under the impression that said toon was portrayed and marketed to them to perform in a particular manner.
1. They've announced plans for 5 champs so far.
2. Human Torch and Annihilus are set to receive some tuning. We don't know the details yet of what will happen. Could be good, could be bad. No one knows because it hasnt happened yet.
3. Ronin, Cull Obsidian and Maw are after HT and Annihilus.
4. They arent touching Ronin as they are happy with his performance.
5. They announced a buff to Maw.
6. They talked about tweaking Culls damage but keeping him a top damage dealer in the game.
Here's whats you don't even talk about. Out of 5 mentioned champs so far for this new program, 3 are getting positive tweeks that were mentioned and 1 isn't getting touched. Cull is the only one they said was getting a possible reduction in damage.
Also, we dont know what will happen to Cull. You cant say its a nerf because absolutely zero information had been released that's soild fact. They made an initial announcement talking about tuning his damage and that's all. People like you, take that small, unfinish data source and turn it into "nerf progam" and convolude the information out there. You sit there and call my statement trolling when what OP said was 100% false and misleading which is the definition of a troll statement.
You want to base your argument off a little bit of info that was given and some youtuber jumping off the deep end so quick before anything more has been detailed. They stated only SMALL TWEEKS AND TUNING where going to happen but you cant see that. You hear reduction.in damage and start calling it a nerf. What if he ends of being better than before? Gonna come back here and eat your words? Doubt it.
Stop with the tinfoil hat drama act. Namor hasn't even been talked about yet and you stated hes getting nerfed. Learn what a troll is and look in the mirror.
I should mention that I have a 5/65 Cull. I used a AG and put 103 Sig stones in and full resources to rank up to R5. I probably have more to lose than you and I'm still not calling what they said a nerf because there isnt info to go off of.
also I'm not sure what a "use troll" is .. do you use the troll and put it back in the closet 🤔 Are you the receiver?
this is what people spent thousands for
He was left in the game for months like this.
People spent resources (many of which on the higher end side cost real world $$) to rank him up. Some people used an AG on him and dumped the load of sig stones into him. His damage output IS his draw and functionality. Anything that turns this level down, is a nerf. Kabam allowing this toon into the game, allowing the public to spend thousands upon thousands into acquiring him and ranking him up and use him in content for an extended period of time - to then turn around and say, his damage is greater than what was intended ~ thank you for your massive amounts of cash and in game resource material use - but we think we need to make him weaker now .. is the action of "nerfing" the charcter. Your initial comment while seemingly innocent in its portrayal as to the the original post this thread, was I purpose - made w. nefarious connotation of belittling and marginalizing the author to the point that he essentially didn't know what he was talking about. What I surmised from his statement is that he has concerns as whether or not to use valuable resources for a champion that is now to be included in this quasi limbo status of an evaluation period which will be subject to ~ quote unquote ~ being reworked .. which would most likely (based on historical precedents of how Kabam has diminished the damage output potential of other champions post game introduction) nerf his damage output should it be deemed too high by them. I previously did come across information that Kabam was looking into lowering his (Namor) damage output. Unfortunately (tho you might say conveniently from your point of view) I cannot find that info again to provide source reference. However for me and in my mind I did come across it and it stuck in my subconscious - to which yes ,, personally and wholeheartedly I do in my heart believe that as the evaluation period for Namor comes to an end (although truly Kabam does not abide to their own terms of when they should be hands off the tuning of a character if said character is able to clear content w. what could be construed as pro-player / not pro-game mechanics - (read: easily) ) that Namor will indeed be nerfed via a reduction in his damage output.
What Kabam has created in this new evaluation and rebalanceing period is fueling an air of mistrust in how the company operates and conducts itself. To allow champs now being released to be negatively impacted in relation to their performance by way of future modification by them, after an "evaluation period" is horrible. To allow players to spend their money for a product, an to enchance their product (ranking up) and allow a perception of this is how a champion performs ~ and even to market it as such ,, to then turn around and say .. well we never intened this champion to perform so well so now we are going to downgrade it is a despicable practice. Conversely to say a champion is under performing and then buff the champion after this "evaluation period" is commendable. In this instance value is being ADDED to the purchase made by the customer.
So when you come in all high and mighty and snip at the author of the post .. where is this so called nerf program that you speak of hunh? cause i've never heard of a such a thing and blah blah blah
you're just a jerk man, and a troll .. but an ugly kinda puss like troll that printed themself an imaginary mensa card. 🤮
Ignore the context of what the original author was alluding to, the nerfing of new champions as a regular aspect of how the game is now to be run by Kabam as a business model, get on your GW donkey ~ and ride into the fantasy sunset in your mind where you are surrounded by you imagined mental superiority akin to the Emperor loving his new clothes.
I actually don't care what you call it.
If you do anything to dull my experience of the champ I went for, it's a nerf.
Your idea of "balancing" could only fly if there was any guarantee that people would agree... or atleast just if a marginal disagreed. History have showed us tho, that alot of people disagree with alot of stuff you do.
You don't make me feel safe and secure enough with that statement to continue to buy deals so reducing your rhetorical answer to layman's terms is "no, don't buy deals."
Any way you could rewrite that message is to revise the "nerfing program" to only be about buffing underperforming champs and leave any instance of Culls ingame as a standing manifestation of that you messed up.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I actually don't care what you call it.
If you do anything to dull my experience of the champ I went for, it's a nerf.
Your idea of "balancing" could only fly if there was any guarantee that people would agree... or atleast just if a marginal disagreed. History have showed us tho, that alot of people disagree with alot of stuff you do.
You don't make me feel safe and secure enough with that statement to continue to buy deals so reducing your rhetorical answer to layman's terms is "no, don't buy deals."
Any way you could rewrite that message is to revise the "nerfing program" to only be about buffing underperforming champs and leave any instance of Culls ingame as a standing manifestation of that you messed up. Now it's more like "you'll have to pay for our mistakes" lol
Thanks for the quick reply.
"He was left in the game for months like this". This is incorrectly stated. Heres what actually happened-
1. Culls Thanos' favors became bugged and only the initial favor was being paused during hits. Favors 2-10 were pausing and expiring early. This was happening for about a month.
2. Kabam attempted to fix this. In doing so, they bugged his damage output and he was doing waaaaaayyyyyy more damage than intended. This was only in for like two weeks tops.
3. They fixed him and now he is working as his abilities actually state.
More misguided information- you continue to only point out Cull. You have yet to acknowledge the others they have said they are balancing as well. You spout out how people spent 1000's on a champ to have him changed from his original intent. Well Human Torch, Annihilus and Maw are working as they originally intended. You probably dont have an issue with their tuning as it will likely end up buffing them. But in reality, they same line of "I'm not vetting what i paid for" applies here as well. Just gets ignored because its considered a buff.
You say "(based on historical precedents of how Kabam has diminished the damage output potential of other champions post game introduction)". What champs. Who are you even talking about? There has only been one time in this games history where characters were ever truly nerfed and that was the 12.0 update. 1 time doesn't give "historical precedents".
You also say "I previously did come across information that Kabam was looking into lowering his (Namor) damage output." Please post the source. Kabam hasn't even begun talking about Namor in anything ive seen.
You also say "(although truly Kabam does not abide to their own terms of when they should be hands off the tuning of a character if said character is able to clear content w. what could be construed as pro-player / not pro-game mechanics - (read: easily) )" I'd like you to prove this as well. If they werent abiding by their own rules, they wouldn't balance anything in this game. There is a clause in the ToS that EVERYONE agreed to that gives them the right to make changes anytime they want at any point. This is the oure definition of abiding by their own rules.
Again, all you're focused on is Cull and the possibility of a damage reduction. You and OP are overreacting as you don't have any information other than that one sentence, which they also stated they plan on keeping him as one of the top damage dealers in the game. The rebalacing "program" is about small tunings and not complete overhauls. You're so fixated on that one little piece of information, it's become bigger in your head.
Bottomline is that this isn't a nerfing program. That's spreading conspiracy. You are twisting and leaving out actual facts and largely the truth in pretty much everything you say. You cant even make a post with insulting me. You're wrong for most of what you've said. If you respond, actually do a little research before hand. Write some facts down and come at me with an intelligent answer. If not, we're done and I dont have anything else to say to you.
As for the op I don’t think they will change his sig ability without an uproar so I’d say your safe in that regard
All these people crying about balance changes happening makes me wonder if they've ever played an online game ever before. I'm inclined to think this is almost the only game many people here play, which is kind of sad.