It seems to happen with all of if you are waiting for a champ that is perfect...well...good luck! Same stuff has gone on since the start. Spidey, Hulk, vision, ip, cap ww2...the list is endless of broken and op champs being "reworked".
Simple fact of the matter is I know people who are delaying taking Namor to R5 until the ‘evaluation period’ is over.
This is the uncertainty that has been created. Nobody can have confidence their investment won’t be diminished until the 3 months have passed.
And after the evaluation period is over if they need to nerf him they still will. No one can have 100% confidence any champ will stay the same anytime.
Simple fact of the matter is I know people who are delaying taking Namor to R5 until the ‘evaluation period’ is over.
This is the uncertainty that has been created. Nobody can have confidence their investment won’t be diminished until the 3 months have passed.