Dilemma time on upgrading

Mentalboy1Mentalboy1 Member Posts: 181
Hi I'm in a dilemma on who to rank up due to limited gold. I've been waiting ages for a tier4 science catylst I finally got one and can rank up my 4* quake to rank 5, but was thinking of ranking my winter soldier 5* to rank 2. I can do both but gold is too low to spend on two big rank ups.
I'm interested to hear your opinions, I love playing as quake but is it worth ranking my 5* to go further in the game? I'm currently working through act 4 if that helps.

Also I have an awaking gem for 4* stuck on who to use it on quake or my fully maxed out starlord both look great awakened specs.

Thanks for your help


  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    Quake... you won't need a ranked up 5* until half way through Act 5.
  • VinvickVinvick Member Posts: 117
    Quake doesn't need dupe. SL needs it most. It's almost game changing
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Quakes dupe is basically for defense and minimal at that, awaken star lord and r5 quake for sure
  • MegaGalacticMegaGalactic Member Posts: 248 ★★
    Rank up Quake, awaken Star-Lord
  • Mentalboy1Mentalboy1 Member Posts: 181
    Cool thanks guys that's good to know about using 4* champs as I spent a big chunk on my 5* iceman so now I know to hold back for now in my 5* champs. I'll be ranking up quake now she is such a great champ!!
  • TheRenegade98TheRenegade98 Member Posts: 125
    If you have a 5* Killmonger then rank your 5* winter soldier... Not enough people know about their insane synergy together which makes winter soldier ARGUABLY better than star Lord in damage output... Also don't think twice to awaken star Lord
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Rank up quake and use the gem on star Lord
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