Dilemma time on upgrading

Hi I'm in a dilemma on who to rank up due to limited gold. I've been waiting ages for a tier4 science catylst I finally got one and can rank up my 4* quake to rank 5, but was thinking of ranking my winter soldier 5* to rank 2. I can do both but gold is too low to spend on two big rank ups.
I'm interested to hear your opinions, I love playing as quake but is it worth ranking my 5* to go further in the game? I'm currently working through act 4 if that helps.
Also I have an awaking gem for 4* stuck on who to use it on quake or my fully maxed out starlord both look great awakened specs.
Thanks for your help
I'm interested to hear your opinions, I love playing as quake but is it worth ranking my 5* to go further in the game? I'm currently working through act 4 if that helps.
Also I have an awaking gem for 4* stuck on who to use it on quake or my fully maxed out starlord both look great awakened specs.
Thanks for your help