My phone problem

Kabam, I have lost my phone. I have got a new one. Can I start resume my account in this phone knowing that the account exists in the previous one too, or do people have to delete the app from the previous phone and then install in the new phone? IN THE SECOND CASE, I NEVER DELETED IT CUZ I LOST MY PHONE. SO CAN I START IT IN MY NEW PHONE KNOWING THAT THE APP EXISTS IN THE OLD ONE???? WILL I GET PERMA BANNED OR SOMETHING??? PLS TELL ME THE CONSEQUENSES?? RESPOND FAST PLS......
(1) No, you don't need to delete the app from your old phone. In fact deleting the app does not actually delete the fact that the app and phone will remember your default login account (as reinstalling the app after deleting it will still be able to access that default/original account of yours without actually logging in).
(1a) However, if someone were to start using that old phone that you lost, and loaded up the game (and it loaded into your original account), then that WOULD be a problem. That would indeed result in a TOS violation if they were to play your account. I think there is a way you can contact Kabam Support thru a Ticket and request they “unlink” your old phone from being used by your original account.
(2) As for starting the game on your new phone, depends on how you had that account setup on the old phone. If Game Center type of logging into game, you can just continue to login via same Game Center. If you had linked that game account to a Kabam ID (with email/password) then you could login to your account that way on your new phone.
(2a) If you had never linked that account to a Kabam ID, or never used Game Center or such, and had just basically let the game load automatically because it was the original account first ever made in the game on that old phone. Then you are in a stickier situation (since you lost the phone, and can no longer access it to actually Link it to a Kabam ID. If so, Kabam Support can try and help you recover it (they will ask a whole lot of questions, original purchase/download date of game, first in-game purchases, etc...)