Who should be my next rank 4/55?

None of them duped. I am not good at using ghost as she is pretty new for me and I usually don't build my team around syneries but like using champs who are good on their own. My current 4/55s are Ghost Rider Luke Cage and Killmonger. I already have a duped max sig 4 star Void who I sometimes bring into my team when needed. I run full suicides.
Who should be my next rank 4/55? 36 votes
5 people: "Rank-up Ghost. #GitGud"
Sometimes the most popular advice is not the best advice. #L2read
Anyway, I would pick Medusa or Angela. Medusa has great utility and damage, mine is unawakened as well but I don't really feel that in her performance. Even without the Fury she gets the job done and as per requirement she needs no synergies. Angela is a well rounded champion as well and with Havok on AW defence her AU buff has real utility. Red Hulk has good utility but his sig gives him some sustainability and a head start.