Please help, Kabam

Hello, with these new Quichmatch Crystals (which btw, i love. I love collecting 2* and being able to max em out. Please bring this around more often. Thank you.), i have noticed that on the prefight screen (which idk how many people look at this, but it looks awesome) that the opponent's star rating and border is the basic 1* green. I like knowing what star rating i am fighting & right now its not doing that. Its a small complaint but it's noticeable lol. Please and thank you. 😁

Never mind. That would be impossible with your screen shot.
Ran into some just doing for 2* gate hero crystals, and think they maybe were from “dead” account (heroes not even shown anymore), or maybe were from a stronger person's team that sold all his 2* heroes so Kabam had to “create” a 2* one to go against me in 1v1 ??
They did end up to be similar rated 2* as mine.
** only shows what your Longest Streak was, and what your overall win % is.