5* Sabertooth

Moths ago I pulled a 5* saber,. He stood high on tier list but I didn't find him of any use instead of masochism node, due to my recent bad 5* pulls now I m forced to use him. So can anybody tell me detailed description on how to use saber ?
But basically, you want to stack up your furries to maximum amount and save 1 persistant charges for the boss.
Every 10 hits you get a fury, and the way to make it permanet is either use an sp1, sp2, or stand still without doing anything for 1 second.
My circle is usually,
parry, 5 hit combo, parry, 5 hit combo into an SP 1 (first fury) Combo meter in on 13
Another parry, 5 hit combo, parry, 5 hit combo into an SP 1 (second fury) combo meter on 26
4 hits, parry, dash back and stand for 1 second (third fury)
fourth and fifth fury is use the same method as the first and the second.
Be carefull about the power meter though, cause sometimes when you reach 10 in your combo meter, your power can be slightly less an sp1, so what i usually, just do a third parry, and uses an SP1 without doing medium attack first, cause it can disturb your calculation on the combo meter.
The limit of stacking fury every fights is 5 fury, but the limit of stacking fury every quest is 15.
So if you already reach those number, skip sp 1 and go straight use an SP 2. My 4*r5 ST deals about 26k final hit on the SP2 with max furries(15).
As I said in the other thread, his description need a revamp to include carry overs and possibly reword "random" as its connotation can be misleading.