How to make faster champion buffs

So, the Colossus and OML buffs are on the way and both seem to become really good champions. The thing is, that these champion buffs were announced months ago and the last champion buffs came live in March 2019 (Spider-Gwen, Gamora, She-Hulk).
And I think we can all agree that in terms of buffing champions, Kabam still has much things to do.
So, I was thinking about a method of buffing champs, that aren't "Meme" or "F / E" tier but champs that are mediocre or "C / D", maybe even "B" tier characters:
1. More "realistic:"
I would give champs like Heimdall or Angela a bleed ability. Both use swords and it'd just make sense for theme to bleed the opponent while attacking.
2. Stacking debuffs:
Most of the older champs aren't able to infinitely stack their debuffs, such champs as Wolverine X-23 (can only have up to 5 bleeds) / Killmonger (not counting the SP3 massive bleed). All these champs would become stronger but at the same time nothing like too overpowered. Why? Because Domino and Nick Fury are also able to infinitely stack their bleeds and both have this ability since they were introduced. And yes, X-23 and KM are already good champs, but they both were just the first examples that came in my mind and this small buff wouldn't make them too OP.
3. Immunities:
Well, I know there are like billions of threads about this... but give older champs more immunities! Most discussed are probably Iceman (who should be given Colsnap and Frostbite immunity) and Dormammu and Ghost Rider (Incinerate immunity). All 3 of these guys are champs that shined in 2017 and maybe 2018, but definitely were stomped by most of the newer champs.
I'm pretty sure these would be changes that could be done a lot faster than full reworks and thus, faster champion buffs. These small buffs would make mediocre champs stop getting overshadowed by the "A / S" tier champs and would give more champs time to shine.
So what do guys think? Should Kabam take this into consideration or not?
And I think we can all agree that in terms of buffing champions, Kabam still has much things to do.
So, I was thinking about a method of buffing champs, that aren't "Meme" or "F / E" tier but champs that are mediocre or "C / D", maybe even "B" tier characters:
1. More "realistic:"
I would give champs like Heimdall or Angela a bleed ability. Both use swords and it'd just make sense for theme to bleed the opponent while attacking.
2. Stacking debuffs:
Most of the older champs aren't able to infinitely stack their debuffs, such champs as Wolverine X-23 (can only have up to 5 bleeds) / Killmonger (not counting the SP3 massive bleed). All these champs would become stronger but at the same time nothing like too overpowered. Why? Because Domino and Nick Fury are also able to infinitely stack their bleeds and both have this ability since they were introduced. And yes, X-23 and KM are already good champs, but they both were just the first examples that came in my mind and this small buff wouldn't make them too OP.
3. Immunities:
Well, I know there are like billions of threads about this... but give older champs more immunities! Most discussed are probably Iceman (who should be given Colsnap and Frostbite immunity) and Dormammu and Ghost Rider (Incinerate immunity). All 3 of these guys are champs that shined in 2017 and maybe 2018, but definitely were stomped by most of the newer champs.
I'm pretty sure these would be changes that could be done a lot faster than full reworks and thus, faster champion buffs. These small buffs would make mediocre champs stop getting overshadowed by the "A / S" tier champs and would give more champs time to shine.
So what do guys think? Should Kabam take this into consideration or not?
Slightly longer answer. Game is set in a fictional universe where not everything makes sense, or has to try to make sense. What may seem a "Logical" fix or rework might not be good for the health of the game overall. In terms of the stacking debuffs, most of the ones that do stack are shorter duration that either take longer to apply (Domino's bleeds coming from specials only) or are super short duration or deal little damage (Nick Fury medium bleeds do such little damage, and his more powerful light ending bleed only lasts 1 second). Other debuff stacking champs generally last longer and deal more damage and should be limited to some extent.
I think you didn't quite get the idea of this concept. It's not about making the game more realistic, but a suggestion for Kabam how they could buff champions faster. And one way by doing so, is by giving them abilities that'd actually fit them.
Game balance isn't as easy as "Just give them what they have in the lore".
This is super hard to explain to anyone who hasn't been there. If I say this is largely (although not exclusively) due to a combination of silos and pipelines, everyone who's been there would probably nod, and everyone else would just assume I'm typing random buzzwords.