AI Reactions

Okay. I've tried to give it the benefit of the doubt and observe all month, and I think we need to have a serious discussion about the AI and the speed it reacts. TAT was just unnecessarily painful because of the reaction times. All month long, what I saw was noticeable. The AI would either hold Block until you advanced, and then it would whiff you, or speed up and leave little room to respond. I saw AI move farther across the screen than normal, Block hits immediately, Evade back on a dime when you're charging towards it, stop short of Parries, freeze your Evade while executing Specials (Not True Strike), speed up or slow down depending on what you're trying to perform, continuously execute from Combo to Combo while you're trying to hold Block, just to list a few things. I understand that these things have been talked about before, and I'm not saying it's intentional or trying to incite any sort of controversy. This isn't a rant. I just want to stress that this needs to be looked at. The one issue I've had throughout my time is consistency with AI. That needs to be a priority. With everything else going on in terms of Champs, Nodes, and new Abilities, having issues with speed and controls is not only detrimental to game play, it also affects the overall experience of content. I'm sorry if this seems venting, not really trying to come across as such. I've just tried to stay silent about it all month, and I have to bring it up because it's been a pretty frustrating go this month.
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I've been observing the AI pattern, and I swear they move way faster than the player (us) champions. A few examples, my 5* Ghost was in the middle of a special 1 on Red Hulk, she does 3 hits, on the last hit of her special he literally punched me out the air. An when I fought Cival Warrior, he did his heavy attack, and dashed back before he even finished!!
I've also observed the dash mechanics, the AI zooms across the screen so fast, it catches me off guard a few times. An I dash across the screen, my champs be moving way slower than the AI.
Also, when I dash, the AI dex me an go right into a combo, BUT... the AI dash into me, I dex, try to go into a combo, they hurry an dash back again!
I like this game the art is amazing love marvel I don’t want to quit but feeling like your being screwed with these changes takes the joy out of playing. A game is for fun not for feeling dread to play. It’s good in the short term for more revives etc but losing people and revenue in the long run.
The best feedback I’ve seen is the dead pool special challenge. Everyone loved it, it wasn’t overly difficult and the rewards weren’t great but we loved it. Take that as the best path to take moving forward.
Point is the AI is a joke and has been for months. There’s no doubt it’s changed and there’s also no doubt that Kabam are avoiding it. They can change it yes but declare it like every other change in the game...
Again, the AI is a joke
To me, this is a sign that the AI is adjusting to my moves.
When I notice CaIW isn't getting parry optiins, I'll do 3 fights without parry heavies and the AI decides it should be aggressive again for a few fights.
I hope you're on Kabam payroll the way you're defending them, you guys are annoying. 😂
BUT... "The AI ability to stop mid action and start another action which we can’t do" - somebody commented this earlier, which is the big problem with me. AI does a dash, and stop mid-dash to block, evade or activate a special attack.