General opinions on Karnak?

I've been playing for a pretty long time now, (2015 to be exact,) and have used many different characters since then. The first 3 star I have ever received was Karnak, and in my opinion he is a solid pick for stuff like alliance wars. However, it seems that he isn't very popular in the community. In your opinion, what do you think should be done with him? What tier should he be placed in? What changes should be made?
Before Heimdall came out, he had arguably the most easily accessed source of True Strike in the game (at least definitely for beginners) (8.5 seconds at base from his special 1). And he's got quite a high crit rate, which can be nice. I think he just needs an overall numbers increase, and maybe one or two more bits of utility, such as more sources of Ability Accuracy Reduction or maybe some Armor Breaks or something?