Is dr voodoo worth rank 5/65?

Mystic dispersion 5/5. Sig 40.

Is dr voodoo worth rank 5/65? 32 votes

Kenny292humzah217arni2buffajrBajjsbwuqjwTeddersarsjumNojokejaymTwmRHammerbro_64YouconfusedBruinsfan8510Zeronaut81CiqMCOCNopedroooX_Factor_AgentEtjamaHugo700Speedro420Woody15 25 votes
_ASDF_AleorTehsigzorzBlackJ4zzItsDamienLoctiteSuperGlueZipio 7 votes


  • BlackJ4zzBlackJ4zz Member Posts: 243 ★★
    I honestly believe that DV is good as 4/55, this is because there are other who would worthy of 5/56. I too have a 4/55 DV and just like AA he's good at 3/45 he does all he needs to do at that level.
    When there are Champs like CG, Ghost, Blade, Nick Fury, Aegon, Void, CapIW, Sparky just to name a few who can completely outperform DV in most areas of the game especially in end game content.
  • GMFriskGMFrisk Member Posts: 40
    It depends on you for ranking up your doctor voodoo. Do you like using him?
  • GMFriskGMFrisk Member Posts: 40
    Althoguh I do agree with @BlackJ4zz about DV not standing up around endgame content I still stand by my point.
  • Ragnaroky12Ragnaroky12 Member Posts: 62
    My 5/65s now are blade, hyperion, medusa, magik, stark spidey. I was thinking about voodoo because i like to use him and he could work very well with 5/5 MD. I need to rank 5 in a relatively short time, my T5Bs are going in overflow in about a month (and i have not intention to buy summoner's sigil lol)
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    He can nullify buffs, but passive buffs nerfed him into the ground along with rogue, ronan and pretty much every single mystic champ. Also many cosmic champs are poison immune, and it's cosmic champs who rely on ton of buffs. Finally, his power control - it's ok, but not good enough when you need it, like spite node or vs hype. I would definably prefer someone else. But if you like him, he's ok to go with, just not your best option
  • Ragnaroky12Ragnaroky12 Member Posts: 62
    Thanks for feedback guys
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