6-Stars Discussion Thread



  • DeathBringer77DeathBringer77 Member Posts: 159
    Vavasour wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike Please, please, please let us know if the team have heard the overwhelmingly popular suggestion of advancing 5 stars to 6 stars. I'm not asking you to agree to implement it, but at least let us know you've put it on the table for discussion with the team.

    Miike, please answer this. Stop avoiding this suggestion.

  • PaulussiePaulussie Member Posts: 1
    We can't even max 5* champs yet. Hold off a year or two before introducing a new tier of champs and bring more exiting content to the game.
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    Paulussie wrote: »
    We can't even max 5* champs yet. Hold off a year or two before introducing a new tier of champs and bring more exiting content to the game.

    6 stars ARE being added in a year, dingus.
  • KristaliuxKristaliux Member Posts: 3
    It is was really suddenly, but it is Best news!! Can't wait for it!!! B)B)

  • KingCrooksKingCrooks Member Posts: 176
    Forreal tho? You're like the first person I've seen that's down with this. I've played for 2 1/2 years and I'm not ready for 6* release at all
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    Phantom wrote: »
    Paulussie wrote: »
    We can't even max 5* champs yet. Hold off a year or two before introducing a new tier of champs and bring more exiting content to the game.

    6 stars ARE being added in a year, dingus.

    Probably in 6 months.

    1-2% of the player-base will be able to play with their rank 5 5*s for 10 minutes before 6*s are released.That's not progression that's a rush job.
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  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    ... Why? We can't even max 5*s yet.

    I know they aren't coming out now, but in 2018... but still...

    Before 6-Stars are introduced to the Contest, we do intend on releasing the Tier 5 Basics that are needed to fully Rank Up 5-Star Champions! Take a look at the post we made, because we've got more information on that in there.

    So act 5.3 was just announced, where are those rank up materials that were promised before October? They aren't in the rewards for 5.3.
  • DeathBringer77DeathBringer77 Member Posts: 159
    DD2 wrote: »

    Exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself. Kabam needs to watch this. Maybe learn something or two about your player base.

  • VavasourVavasour Member Posts: 258
    edited September 2017
    DD2 wrote: »

    Dead on with regard to the problem. I think the solution is easier, just let us unlock the 6th star against our current 5 star roster.

    It should not be arena based as suggested in this video.
  • YoshimaterYoshimater Member Posts: 72
    These 6 Star Characters that are coming, when will we know who they are???
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    I've made an insanely huge post that is related to six stars, but is more of a suggestion than a comment, so I put it elsewhere. Instead of copying it into here, I'll just give you a link:
  • VavasourVavasour Member Posts: 258
    Good post @Phantom

    Wish Kabam would address this evolving Champ point that we've all made.
  • CaboDestro1CaboDestro1 Member Posts: 59
    Now that 6* will be in the game why not put all champs as 5* THOR,WAR MACHINE, SCARLET WITCH - EXCEDRA? Haven't seen an answer to this,and if kabam won't ever released all champs as 5* just like they did with 4* then all I ask is why please?
  • CaboDestro1CaboDestro1 Member Posts: 59
    I love playing with those champs just hope they don't fade away in time because there stuck as 4* and will never be released as 5* or 6*.
  • FEARZ_0FEARZ_0 Member Posts: 69
    I don’t see why people are complaining about 6*s being added just because all the 5*s aren’t out? They add new champions every 2 weeks.. for crying out loud new 3*s are being added and 5*s are in the game... also have you experienced duping a 5*? Up until now you got nothing, it was annoying so at least now you can work towards something!
  • FEARZ_0FEARZ_0 Member Posts: 69
    DalBot wrote: »
    Mhykke wrote: »
    When people brought up the idea of 6 star champs, I thought they were just either making a joke or mentioning a really bad idea.

    As has been stated, we currently do not have the ability to max 5 stars, and now 6 stars are announced? I understand that T5 basics are being added and we'll be able to max our 5 stars, but from what I understand, 6 stars will be playable in about 5 months. I'm sorry, but that's ridiculously fast. Upgrading your 5 star in the next 5 months and already they'll be obsolete due to the new 6 stars.

    So when will 7 stars be added? And 8 stars? And 9 stars?

    I've never complained about the game, and have spent a good deal of money on the game because I enjoyed it. But this may be a deal breaker. Extraordinarily bad timing.

    Obsolete is a very strong word here. Did 5-Stars make 4-Stars Obsolete? 6-Stars are not going to be easy to obtain, and then will be more difficult to Rank Up. We have lots more planned before 6-Stars ever make it into Player's hands, and that includes making 5-Stars more accessible.

    5 stars ABSOLUTELY made 3*s obsolete. So now 4*s will be obsolete to. So why make us use T4CC to rank them up anymore if they're going to be useless in a few months?
    DalBot wrote: »
    Mhykke wrote: »
    When people brought up the idea of 6 star champs, I thought they were just either making a joke or mentioning a really bad idea.

    As has been stated, we currently do not have the ability to max 5 stars, and now 6 stars are announced? I understand that T5 basics are being added and we'll be able to max our 5 stars, but from what I understand, 6 stars will be playable in about 5 months. I'm sorry, but that's ridiculously fast. Upgrading your 5 star in the next 5 months and already they'll be obsolete due to the new 6 stars.

    So when will 7 stars be added? And 8 stars? And 9 stars?

    I've never complained about the game, and have spent a good deal of money on the game because I enjoyed it. But this may be a deal breaker. Extraordinarily bad timing.

    Obsolete is a very strong word here. Did 5-Stars make 4-Stars Obsolete? 6-Stars are not going to be easy to obtain, and then will be more difficult to Rank Up. We have lots more planned before 6-Stars ever make it into Player's hands, and that includes making 5-Stars more accessible.

    5 stars ABSOLUTELY made 3*s obsolete. So now 4*s will be obsolete to. So why make us use T4CC to rank them up anymore if they're going to be useless in a few months?

    You can do Mastermode with 3* champs 3*s are also used in arena still so I hardly see how they are obsolete...
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    FEARZ_0 wrote: »
    I don’t see why people are complaining about 6*s being added just because all the 5*s aren’t out? They add new champions every 2 weeks.. for crying out loud new 3*s are being added and 5*s are in the game... also have you experienced duping a 5*? Up until now you got nothing, it was annoying so at least now you can work towards something!

    Because 5*s made 3*s obsolete. Now 4*s will be obsolete. You can disagree about that but when new content is created later on, it will be geared toward 5 and 6 stars as far as difficulty.
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    FEARZ_0 wrote: »
    DalBot wrote: »
    Mhykke wrote: »
    When people brought up the idea of 6 star champs, I thought they were just either making a joke or mentioning a really bad idea.

    As has been stated, we currently do not have the ability to max 5 stars, and now 6 stars are announced? I understand that T5 basics are being added and we'll be able to max our 5 stars, but from what I understand, 6 stars will be playable in about 5 months. I'm sorry, but that's ridiculously fast. Upgrading your 5 star in the next 5 months and already they'll be obsolete due to the new 6 stars.

    So when will 7 stars be added? And 8 stars? And 9 stars?

    I've never complained about the game, and have spent a good deal of money on the game because I enjoyed it. But this may be a deal breaker. Extraordinarily bad timing.

    Obsolete is a very strong word here. Did 5-Stars make 4-Stars Obsolete? 6-Stars are not going to be easy to obtain, and then will be more difficult to Rank Up. We have lots more planned before 6-Stars ever make it into Player's hands, and that includes making 5-Stars more accessible.

    5 stars ABSOLUTELY made 3*s obsolete. So now 4*s will be obsolete to. So why make us use T4CC to rank them up anymore if they're going to be useless in a few months?
    DalBot wrote: »
    Mhykke wrote: »
    When people brought up the idea of 6 star champs, I thought they were just either making a joke or mentioning a really bad idea.

    As has been stated, we currently do not have the ability to max 5 stars, and now 6 stars are announced? I understand that T5 basics are being added and we'll be able to max our 5 stars, but from what I understand, 6 stars will be playable in about 5 months. I'm sorry, but that's ridiculously fast. Upgrading your 5 star in the next 5 months and already they'll be obsolete due to the new 6 stars.

    So when will 7 stars be added? And 8 stars? And 9 stars?

    I've never complained about the game, and have spent a good deal of money on the game because I enjoyed it. But this may be a deal breaker. Extraordinarily bad timing.

    Obsolete is a very strong word here. Did 5-Stars make 4-Stars Obsolete? 6-Stars are not going to be easy to obtain, and then will be more difficult to Rank Up. We have lots more planned before 6-Stars ever make it into Player's hands, and that includes making 5-Stars more accessible.

    5 stars ABSOLUTELY made 3*s obsolete. So now 4*s will be obsolete to. So why make us use T4CC to rank them up anymore if they're going to be useless in a few months?

    You can do Mastermode with 3* champs 3*s are also used in arena still so I hardly see how they are obsolete...

    You can beat Master with 1*s, too, if you're good enough. But that's user skill, not champion usefulness. You're arguing that they aren't obsolete because it's possible to use them. I can use a typewriter, but it's still obsolete. Computers replaced it.
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    I'm not trying to just bump my thread, but 4*s wouldn't become useless if my idea was implemented. Your 4*s could progress with you as 6*s are released. Here it is again:
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    MarzGroove wrote: »
    The addition of 6-stars, I think, is rather uninspired. It weakens the aesthetic of the game. Instead, I would do something like enhancing a 5-star champ in some way when it reaches max sig level - call it ISO SHIFTED. New star color to indicate ISO SHIFTED status. So like red stars instead of silver and then add a new ability for the ISO SHIFTED champ or access to new masteries for ISO SHIFTED champs.

    This actually sounds like a really great idea! I'm not against 6*, but this idea really takes the cake. I'm sure many players would support an update to enhance the current 5* champs.
  • Endo915Endo915 Member Posts: 40
    no new content, nothing innovative with the game play? they're just taking existing characters and adding another star to create more "valuable" champs that will take 400+K in gold just to rank up along with 30+ hours of playing to get the catalyst. I'm so excited to be playing 70 hours a week of grinding for maybe 500 six star shards and another six months of alliance questing to get the class catalyst for rank ups. Looks like I'll be buying Odin's vaults to spend on gold crystals.. And if I'm lucky I can try and dupe a six star early 2019. The future looks bright!
  • Endo915Endo915 Member Posts: 40
    So what happens to us who blew all their t2a already because of the stupid prestige race?

    Easy you shouldn't have been so impatient to "blow your t2A" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • TheBaldAvengerTheBaldAvenger Member Posts: 267 ★★
    I think the reality here with the release of 6* champs is that the content would be too easy once kabam made it possible to r5 a 5* champ. Majority of people with champs at r4 can breeze through most of the content in game so once they release t5b with the end of Act 5 and make it possible to max 5* champ that if future content was released with 5* champs it would be way too easy. The only way they can counter this is to release the 6*. It's not a coincidence that they will be releasing 6* after the introduction of t5b and so when you take all the emotion out of it, it's actually the right thing to do to prevent the game being too easy and boring.
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    IMO, it would be smart for Kabam to release all the champs they never made into 5-stars as the first group of 6-stars. I think that would actually make a lot of people happy.
  • DeathBringer77DeathBringer77 Member Posts: 159
    That would reduce their profits bro. Are you crazy? Lol
  • Darkrider05Darkrider05 Member Posts: 288 ★★★
    Great idea kabam Mike.will u atleast make t4cc more accessible by putting them in the glory store
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