Daredevil vs Guillotine 2099

So I'm working on Guillotine 2099, and figured I'd try Daredevil (classic) to try to help vs her cloak ..
I had already seen this video ...
which I was aware of the "warning" .. however, seems I got an actual 0% chance to connect when I played ...
With Daredevil able to bypass all other "invisible", why is guillotine 2099 so different ?
(or is this a bug, as the video suggests ??)
I had already seen this video ...

which I was aware of the "warning" .. however, seems I got an actual 0% chance to connect when I played ...
With Daredevil able to bypass all other "invisible", why is guillotine 2099 so different ?
(or is this a bug, as the video suggests ??)
While both call outs (“Miss”) are the same there are different things making someone miss. Invisibilty (Hood, IW, etc.) isn’t a problem for DD, but intangiblility (Ghost) is.
And also, Guillotine 2099 doesn't trigger invisibility.
So technically not invisibility. Something Tech related that would cause attacks to miss.
I tried just for fun too (on the Alt.Reality side-quest boss, seems to alternate between Guilly 2099 and Elsa), to see what would happen using DD on her.
That's fine if it doesn't work for Guillotine .. however, the wording of the ability does seem more similar Hood, Sue Storm, Darkhawk, etc ... than it does to Ghost. So I was kind of surprised ..
Would be nice to get a confirmation from Kabam then on this, as it's really not entirely clear 1 way or the other.
(and these things really SHOULD be spelled out in the abilities of champs .. to be perfectly honest ..
Hmm, ok, I can see that ...
interesting, just re-read Darkhawk .. no mention of invisibility on him, however, daredevil has no trouble tagging him ... so yeah, some lack of consistency there still hehe
Ghost is obvious ... he can't bypass that.
Darkhawk, however, like Guillotine 2099, does not mention invisible, and use very similar wording.
Darkhawk is bypassed, Guillotine 2099 is not.
So yeah, would be nice if Kabam could work on some consistency with this stuff to make it easier for us to understand the nature of the effects ..
Seems like Video DOES show DD never causing the Digi-Cloak to activate and make DD miss. Video he was landing his hits all the time, and I never saw a call-out wording for Digi-Cloak on that DD video fight.
Whereas I did my DD test in Alt. Reality Epic quest, in which I believe it said “Immune to AA reduction” as a boss buff.
So maybe DD being immune to invisibility (however that is defined in this Guilly 2099 case) is normally part of an Ability Accuracy reduction of his,. And thus in the Alt Reality version he can not reduce that. My DD was CONSTANTLY causing the Digi-Cloak to activate, and he would not hit thru it. At least that’s what I recall happening.
I mean think about it:
Daredevil can bypass Invisible woman's invisibility ... that information is neither on Daredevil, nor on Invisible woman, in any way. It's simply a "hidden passive" of daredevil, based on in-comic information.
It's cool, don't get me wrong, it's great they did that, IMHO ..
But, Ok, so fine, as per Mike, the note shouldn't be on Daredevil .. then it should be on Guillotine 2099 ... but it's not ..
And the terminologies being used aren't really clear, or consistent .. so I still think they could certainly be more consistent on these things. *shrug*
so far, I've handled her just fine with Ghost ... but yeah, the point is the lack of info on DD's abilities .. when they should be ... "somewhere" .. and there should be some consistency in the terminologies used.
Just trying to focus on the terminologies used with DD .. and when they do and do not apply.
Kabam needs to make clarify a few things there ...
Would like to keep the focus on DD and the available information (or lack there of ..)
thank you!
Easter-eggs shouldn't be hidden in the game. By logic standards, there is no reason why Daredevil should bypass invisibility, or magneto and juggernaut to be immune to Emma Frost reverse controls, or even to Havoc and Cyclops to be immune to each other beam attacks