Rank up advice..

solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
Hi all,

I’ve pulled few decent 5* recently and I stuck with choice who to focus on/rank up/awaken..

I have two awakening gems (skills and cosmic) but I don’t think there is a champ worth it in my roster..is there any?

My question is who to focus on to rank to 5/5 first. To be fair I’m using WASP, Emma, Magik, Hulk and IMIW on daily basic. Still some champs missing to think about good synergy so maybe would be better to hold on for a moment..?

Please advise..

I’m not convinced to Thing and Sabretooth. Tried both but haven’t find them very decent in attack.

Champs I’m looking for will be used to attack - mostly monthly quests,
Act 6 and Variant quests.


Rank up advice.. 27 votes

simolazm3t4syl20Thi101 3 votes
AleorFhfjghhggggjfhfjgThe_Watcheramal_nairXboxPhantom00 5 votes
BboychoboLvernon15Tony886EtjamaTimeGenesis0ud3is 6 votes
Hulk Ran
Batman1903 1 vote
Venom the Duck
RazorDevilMityAntArchdemon_Charlie_SceneXxLoganTDCxXKriegerSeraphionMoNsTeR_804 8 votes
Broken 1 vote
Human Torch
MiStaLovaHedron 2 votes
Wait for a moment to get champ for better synergy...
KruspeR 1 vote


  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Venom the Duck
    I would say VtD or/and HT
    HT maybe to R4 only. VtD would give you a lot of healing and doesnt require synergies.

    Human T as a mystic slayer and heal reversal

    I dont have thing myself but I think with heimal/hela/the champion you have a crazy good "balls to the walls" synergy
    (For V2 it should be very good)
  • kubricknolankubricknolan Member Posts: 99
    I would wait for a hard carry champ like Domino, Hyperion or Corvus to take them to rank 5. You have some great champions but none of them are rank 5 worthy imo. In the mean time get that Venom the Duck to rank 4.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Emma is immune to many things and hits hard, also enjoyable to play.
    VTD can heal, but has no any utility imo. Also you don't want to throw heavies when you have bad buff while staying those, wich is limiting your playstyle. But for easier fights he's great, 2 regens, 3 furies, 4 power gains and maybe 1 precision - spam sp3. But nothing special, Emma is clearly the best option imo
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Venom the Duck
    Glad to see someone with a punisher prof pic.
    He is my favorite Marvel character btw
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    Yeah.. not easy choice. Thanks everyone for answer and to be fair I have similar feelings.

    HT - never played before, watched some videos on YT and can be helpful against some mystic champs but definitely not the best..

    VtD - it’s nice to play with, especially long quests, stacking up buffs but overall utility...not the best. Worth 4/5 tho..

    Emma - hits hard SP2 and immunities/evade control really helps but still there are better champs around..

    Someone said Hela/Hemidall/Champion — never tried. Used to play only Hela/Hemidall and appreciate Hela’s damage output when played correctly but definitely not my favourite champ..

    Magik - brilliant power control but not good resistance,

    WASP - my favourite to play however Ghost/Antman missing for synergy!

    If I pulled one of champs like Corvus, Medusa, Domino, Archangel, Omega, Hype.. would be much easier..
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    Most of you guys suggesting VdD.. I’ve tried and quite surprising receiving huge boost while playing (especially long fights which helps to stack up buffs). Do you think worth to awaken?
  • ArylAryl Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★
    You're not using ST correctly then.
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    What do you mean by ST?
  • ArylAryl Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★
    solmyrair said:

    What do you mean by ST?

  • ArylAryl Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★
    I wrote a breakdown for him that might give you new insight.

  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    Thanks for that..
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    Yeah, Sabretooth is great for attack.
  • 0ud3is0ud3is Member Posts: 9
    I'd say Magik. She's pretty basic and one of the oldst character. I have mine at r4 (I can make 2 rank 5 but I'm unsure so I'm waiting) and I can kill almost everyone and everything with her. Pure goddess
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    One more question here.. is VtD worth awakening gem?
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